Chapter 3

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A few days passed as Y/N was still in the hospital unconscious from his injuries. Kyoko along with Reiko and Jazmin visited him whenever they had the chance as they were all worried about him. After what happened at the park, Jazmin had a burning desire to not let anyone do that stuff again to her brother as Reiko was the same. As for Kyoko, let's just say she was a bit on edge since she was the most worried about him. She had Kumatetsu visit the hospital every day to see if he would awake at any time and should he be awake, he was to inform her immediately.

Thankfully, Y/N slowly started to wake up hearing the sound of birds chirping coming from outside. He opened his eyes as he saw that he was in a different room than the one he was used to. When he looked around he saw that he was in a hospital room. Looking out the door, he saw various furries wearing white coats that doctors use.

Y/N: A Hospital? Guess my injuries were pretty bad.

He tried to sit up but felt his body was still in extreme pain.

Y/N: Ow ow ow. Damn this hurts.

He laid back down as he sighs.

Y/N: Wonder how Reiko and Jazmin are doing?

Before he passed out, he saw that Jazmin and Reiko were extremely worried about him. He was also curious how Kyoko reacted but knowing how much she loves to spoil him, he had a good guess. Turning his head, he looked out the window seeing a city that was the same as his world. Seeing this, honestly surprised him and he started to ponder a few things.

Y/N 'thought': This is basically how things are back home. Could it be that the era here is the same? Though if that's the case, I wonder where the gaining industry is. If I recall correctly, I believe that Dead by Daylight just released the Artist or whatever. Wonder if I can get a console and play that game again. The iridescent add-on for the Huntress is utterly insane. Said as he smiles. Wonder if I can make those fools' rage quiet. Nothing is better to see DCs appear on the screen as soon as ya down two survivors with that add-on.

A few moments went by as the door opened causing him to look to see who it was. When he did, he saw that it was a rather tall panda-like person walking in. Judging from the way he carried himself, he seems to be a rather astute and confident person.

???: Ah you're finally awake. Your family is rather concerned about you.

Y/N stayed quiet as he walked to the side of his bed.

???: How are you feeling?

Y/N: Fine for the most part. Though my body still hurts.

???: Well just give it some more time and I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon. Would you be fine if I check your heartbeat?

Y/N: Sure.

He smiled as put the earplug on and placed the bell on Y/N's chest. Y/N just breathed normally as he listened to his heartbeat hearing if there was anything odd.

???: Your heartbeat sounds healthy.

He took the earplugs out and placed the stethoscope around his neck.

???: I have to say, I have never seen anyone like you before.

Y/N: Is there no one else like me?

???: Unfortunatly no there isn't. When your mother brought you in, she almost knocked out a couple of the doctors here as they refused to help her. Said as he pulled up a seat. Though, in my opinion, everyone deserves treatment no matter what they look like.

Y/N: That's a good one to have.

???: Would you mind if I ask you some questions? That is if you're willing.

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