Chapter 8

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After that day of meeting Skye, Y/N trained twice as hard not wanting to lose to him again. Kumatetsu saw how serious he was with training and gladly increased the difficulty of it. Kyoko was rather concerned about this seeing how tough Kumatetsu was with Y/N while they spared but knew that he had his reasons. Aside from training, he focused on his studies as he focused on becoming the best student possible. He spent a good amount of time with Loona at the park and hanging out whenever they could. Each time he saw Loona, he noticed that she was rather happy to see him each time her tail swaying back and forth.

Right now, he and Loona were sitting under a tree in the park playing a card game. They've played for a few rounds with Y/N winning each time which  Loona grew utterly annoyed.

Loona: Oh this is so not fair!! Said throwing the cards. How do you always win!!

Y/N: Hehehe, guess I'm lucky. Said smiling. Though it could be that you're bad at it.

Loona: Say what?! Growling at him.

Y/N: U-uhh you can stop with the growling, Loona. I-I was kidding. Said rather nervous.

She growled at him for a bit before looking away pouting. He let a sigh seeing this as he was relieved that she stop growling at him.

Y/N: Are you ok? You seem to be a bit more upset. Is something wrong?

Loona didn't say anything as she didn't want to tell him.

Y/N: You can tell me. We're friends after all.

He waited for Loona to say something but didn't. However, he noticed that she seemed a bit sad for some reason.

Y/N: Loona what's wrong?

She didn't say anything to him which didn't help. He knew that something was bothering her but wasn't sure if he should ask her.

Y/N 'thought': Oh god. Why must I be put into this goddamn situation? It's bad enough seeing those sad dog photos back home but an actual dog girl like Loona is even more DIFFICULT!!!!!! I seriously hope that there some be some goddamn adorable dog girl who is way too damn pure and sweet.

Loona: Can...I ask you something.

Y/N: Sure.

Loona: Will...Will you still be my friend....if I have to move away?

Y/N blankly looked at her for a moment before speaking.

Y/N: Well yeah.

Looba: Even....if we won't see each other for a while?

He didn't say anything as he sighed.

Y/N: Are you really that worried?

Loona: N-No but.

Y/N: Ok just relax will you?

He placed his hand on her head causing her to blush.

Y/N: Look we'll be friends no matter what ok? Said smiling. Even if you have to move away, we can make a promise for when we met again.

She growled slightly at him while she pouted at him.

Loona: I-I hate it when you pet my head.

Y/N: Yet I don't see you smacking my hand away. Plus your tail says otherwise.

She didn't say anything as her tail was wagging back and forth. He started to scratch behind her ear causing her to tap her foot slightly.

Y/N: Hehehe, like that?

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