Chapter 13

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Jin and Kumatetsu arrived where the explosion occurred but were beaten by the police and other first responders. As such they had to stay slightly back so they wouldn't be seen.

Kumatetsu: Seems like they've beaten us here.

Jin: Looks that way. Stay here. I'm going to search the area.

Kumatetsu: Alright. I'll take a look around here if I find anything.

Jin: Do that. We need to know what happened here before they do.

Kumatetsu: Right. Given those flames, they might take a while before being put out even with this downfall.

Jin nodded as he vanished while Kumatetsu started to do his own search. While the first responders were busy taking care of the fires and treating those who happened to get injured during the explosion, Jin used this chance to slip into the area trying to find any clues. He searched the whole place as best as he could trying to find any clues at all. Kumatetsu was doing the same from where they arrived doing the same. Just as Kumatetsu searched another alley, he spotted something lying on the ground.

Kumatetsu: What the?

Curious, he walked over to see what it was. As he got closer, he saw that it was some kind of white mask from the piece he saw sticking out from under some trash. Once he got close to it, he knelt down and started to pick it up. However, when he picked it up, his eyes widen in shock as a heinous feeling washed over him looking at the mask. Not only this, he felt as though something pierced his chest almost causing him to drop the mask.

Jin: Find anything? Said landing behind him.

Kumatetsu: Yeah.

Jin: Oh yeah? What is it?

He walked up to him and immediately stopped in his tracks seeing what Kumatetsu was holding.

Jin: W-W-What the heck is that?

Kumatetsu: I don't know but whatever this is, it's nothing good.

Jin remained silent as an eerie feeling lingered in the air while he looked at the mask. Not only this, he could hear that roar that occurred not that long ago echoing in his mind.

 Not only this, he could hear that roar that occurred not that long ago echoing in his mind

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Back home, Kyoko put Y/N in his room after treating the injuries that he still had. While treating him, she sensed that something happened to him but didn't know what. She saw there were two distinctive scars on his thighs which she assumed is where he was shot. However really puzzled her is how he had a few minor injuries. Whatever it was that happened while he was captured, gave her a very dreaded feeling. Jazmin and Reiko were extremely worried about him as well both of them wanting to stay by his side.

After leaving his room, Kyoko told Reiko and Jazmin to get some sleep as she told them everything will be alright. They were hesitant but did so as Kyoko watched them walk down the hall. She looked at the Y/N's bedroom door as she couldn't help but feel extremely worried about him.

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