Chapter 21

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After leaving her home, Loona and Y/N walked towards the mall that wasn't far. Y/N didn't say anything when they left as Loona held his hand. Loona seemed happy holding his hand as her tail swayed a bit but he was unsure about all this. Sure, he felt a bit better after what happened but deep down he was uncertain about everything. Having a girlfriend was something that he never thought would happen, much less having Loona as his first girlfriend from the show Helluva Boss. He wanted to get to know others but given everything that he has gone through, that was going to be a very lengthy road. Not only that, recovering emotionally was going to be an insurmountable task to accomplish along with the Demon that dwells inside of him.

When Loona looked at Y/N, she saw that he was a solemn expression on his face.

Loona: Hey, you ok?

Y/N: Huh? Snapping out of it. I-I'm fine.

Loona: Are you sure?

Y/N: Y-Yeah.

She didn't say anything for a while not buying it.

Loona: Look it'll be alright. You don't have to worry about anything, ok?

Y/N only nodded in response to her.

Loona: Also, don't worry about what others say. Just ignore those fuckers.

Y/N smiled slightly hearing his making him feel slightly better.

They entered the mall and Y/N saw that it was rather busy. There were a lot of people of various animals such as wolves, cats, rabbits, bears, zebras, and many others. Y/N didn't like this as he felt extremely out of place and wanted to leave immediately. Loone held his hand tightly, reassuring them as they continued on their way.

Loona: It'll be alright, trust me.

Y/N: A-Alright.

Keeping a firm grip on his hand, they walked around the mall.

Loona: It's been a while since I came here.

Y/N: That so?

Loona: Yeah. Wonder if that shop I got to is still open?

They walked for a bit before seeing the layout of the mall. Seeing this, they walked up to it as Loona looked at it.

Loona: Fuck. Guess they closed.

Y/N: Was it a good store?

Loona: Of course it was. Had some sweet deals for some really good shit.

Y/N: I see.

Loona: Oh shit. It looks like they got an arcade now. Wanna go check it out?

Y/N: Sure. you have-.

Loona: Don't worry about it. Cutting him off. Let's just go.

She pulled him along as they spent most of their time at the mall. Despite feeling out of place, Loona made sure that he didn't feel that or at least comforted him. They spent a lot of their time walking through various stores going at their own pace. While they walked around the mall, he spotted a few other Hellhound couples that had collars around their necks while Loona didn't. He felt as though the ones with the collars might be married or so but wasn't entirely sure.

Y/N 'thought': Are those Hellhounds married or something? Though if they are, shouldn't they have rings on their fingers? Guess there are a few things that I still don't know much about. In which, are there dragons here? I mean they should be but given all the knowledge I have, they might be in a higher class than everyone here. Are there any nearby?

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