Chapter 12

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Jin along with a few others of the clan searched all over the city trying to find Y/N but to no avail. However, Jin did find the spot where Y/N was taken and tried to follow any clues that were left behind. Jazmin and Reiko were rather worried about him as each day passed by. Both of them threw themselves into intensive training and studies which Reiko wasn't that big on. However, she did it anyway so that she can get  training to be ready to rescue Y/N. Kumatetsu did his own search for Y/N as he was just as worried if not more than the others. Right now, he was walking through the city with Tatara, who knows about what happened.

 Tatara: Come on Kumatetsu, trying to find that kid is gonna be a pain. We're talking about a WHOLE CITY. It'll practically be impossible to find him. Heck, we don't know if he is even alive.

Kumatetsu: He's alive.

Tatara: Based on what? Look you're just gonna need to accept that he might be dead when you find him. I mean Olga told me that Pinstrape capture him. You know how difficult it is to rescue someone from him. It's next to impossible.

Kumatetsu didn't say aing as they continued their search. They started their own search early this morning or Kumatetsu did it by himself at first as Tatara joined him mid-morning close to noon.

Kumatetsu: Damn it. Where the hell could he have taken him? Said stopping as he looked around.

Tatara: Come on Kumatetstu, let's get something to eat. If you're gonna continue to search, you're gonna need to eat.

???: He's right Kumatetsu. No sense in searching for him on an empty stomach.

They look as seeing that it was Hyakushubo.

They look as seeing that it was Hyakushubo

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Tatara: See? Hyakushubo, right.

Kumatetsu growled in annoyance as he wanted to continue his search.

Hyakushubo: You're not the only one worried about him. Lady Kyoko and Master Jin are looking for him along with other members. Of course, Olga is as well after hearing what happened.

Tatara: Hehe, definitely going to be interesting to see how things will go down if she finds him before Olga.

Hyakushubo: True but this is Pinstrape we're talking about. He's one of the most wanted criminals on Interpol's list. Even if we did manage to find him, it could be too late or he's already been moved to a different location.

Kumatetsu: Tch, then we have to find him BEFORE that happens!!

Tatara: Do you even hear yourself?! it'll be nearly impossible to find him at this rate. This city is way too huge for one person to search.

Kumatetsu: Then I can't waste any more time. Said as he walked off.

Tatara: H-Hey Kumatetsu!!

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