✮❛ one. ❜━

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━━A small flicker of a pen, the soft rythm of the rain falling in the windows, the familiar sound of a timer going on and on, you tried to focus only failing, the sounds getting to your head.
the echo's only getting louder, the soft tap of the mans shoes his impatient behavior making you only more anxious.

He was glaring at the top if your head, you could feel it, so you kept your head low. To scared that if you looked up everything would crash down and you would fall in the deep again. And you knew that if that happened you wouldn't get out this time.

You couldn't help but follow the rythm of his tapping, alligning your foot next to the table and tapping along to the ticking. You focused on that, trying to get rid of the still present feeling.

"[Y/n] you have to face it one way or another" the doctor still kept his eyes on you, you knew what he was saying was true, but you where scared. Oh god you where petrified.

"I dont have to..?" You looked up, as if it was of instinct, you could feel tears burning at the corners of your eyes but you wouldn't dare let them fall. You weren't weak.

Playing with the corner of your nails and tapping on your leg, tugging at the elastic band on your arm, twirling your hands around your hair, biting your fingernails, schratching at the little wound on your arm. Looking out the window, locking your self in a fantasy.

You tried everything to avoid it, to avoid getting hurt again, now left alone with nothing but a small apartment a useless job. No friends, no family. Isn't this what you wanted?

You can't get hurt again, not by anyone your close to. You shut yourself of, the society hates you, banished you as if you where nothing but an insect.

sucking in a shaky breath you try to think of happy things keeping, or rather trying to keep yourself calm. your shaky hands begging for a distraction.

''sweetie-pie.. if you dont cooperate then this all is worthless'' you wanted to puke, the nickname rolling of his tounge like you where his.

''i'm trying.. i'm trying alright?'' the memories where to much, you had stuffed them away. only to have the cage be reopened.


"M-me?" you said shakily your head looking up at the many heros infront of you. normally they would look back at you with admiration, but now it was something new something you can't help but be scared off

"C'MON DON'T LIE TO US WE KNOW YOU ARE THE TRAITOR I CAN'T BELIVE YOU WOULD DO THIS!-" the scream threw you off gaurd falling on the ground your hands trying to grab something to protect you, the loudness of his voice bringing you back to the past, a past he promised to never remind you of.

"Everyone calm down!! y/n you will be put out of our school for extra caution. The next time we'll see you, you will be considerd a enemy"

"YOU'LL NEVER BECOME A HERO, YOU- YOU ARE JUST SOME LOUSY VILLAIN" those words where caught in his throat as he finnaly coprehended what he said, only to have him remind himself. she deserved this. she is a villain.

"I'LL KILL YOU THE NEXT TIME I SEE YOU!!" now this time he spoke with such hatred that he himself had no more doubts to his words.

"I- i can't believe you'd do this to us.. y/n.." uraraka spoke her hands gripping the hem of izukus shirt, the judgy eyes of your 'friends' they dont deserve to cry. you reminded yourself but it was no use, the chains onyour hands telling the story. the chains around your neck scratching most likely leaving scars of the heavy punishment you 'deserved'

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