✮❛ ten. ❜━

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Mind of yours collapsed, your exterior stayed strong. not the inoccent strong that you held around you just minutes ago, but the real strong, the strong you built up true the years of betrayal.

The snake-man, looked at you patiently, no empathy in his eyes but you could see the small guilt he held for the actions of his master─ izuku midoriya, he waited for you to produce a reaction of some kind. Maybe he had expected a cry, or a burst of anger. And maybe on the inside you where, aching to let out al your anger, trash the entire room. But you didn't you tried to stay reasonable. Not letting your mind wander to places or theories.

"What? And why would he want such a thing?" You spoke in disgust, your upper lip curled and you felt like this was al some kind of joke, the real weight of the problem not getting your head.

"Want is not the right word. Need is a better one." The butler spoke hands behind his back, walking to the big closet and pulling out a dress, a beatifull red dress. Blood red, so perfect that if you threw red wine on it no one would notice, a painfully (already) thight corset build in and a slit on the side of your right hip. Your eyes wandered from the beaty of the dress to the colourless eyes of the butler.

"Need? Why would he need to marry me?" You continued questioning.

"The hero population had been trying to get in contact with you for a while? You must know that, they send e-mails, letters, a pop up in the papers  and more, they, the hero society needs you. And master deku knows that, so when he found out you where spotted by sir dabi he decided to take action... theres more to the story but i cannot share that with you. Maids will be coming by shortly to help you in the dress and make- up."

'Need me? For what?'

He had hung the beatifull red dress on the side of the big closet the jewels on it shining because of the chandelier above you, you kept your gaze on the butler as he slowly walked out the door slamming shut and leaving you to your own toughts.

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"MISS? MISS?" four maids where waiting patiently infront of the doors of your temporary stay, boxes filled with all kinds of jewelry, the one most on the left had knocked but you wouldn't answer the four maids looked at each other questionly and the smallest one of the four pointed to the door and to the right maid a way of saying she should open the door. The right one shook her head quickly waving her hands infront of her and the other three looked at her awaiting.

"Shes scary! I'm not doing it!" The right maid wispered.

"Don't be a scaredy cat!" The shorter one wisper shouted.

"You do it then!" The right one whispered back, pointing at the shorter one.

"Fine! I will!" The shorter one said puffing out her chest and walking up to the huge door she got up to her tippy toes and slowly pushed the door open immediatly the other three hid behind her peaking true the small opening of the door.

And they all gasped of shock at the same time.

The room was turned upside down all the cushions and blankets where thrown across the room, one glass window was completly shattered and the red dress was gone, candles that where previously litted with a small fire where now under the many cushions and blankets burning them and fire was waving in the corner of the room your old clothes where on the ground dirty and burned up. There was no trace but the crashed room of you, there was a big mirror on the side of the bed and it was shattered a big gap of glass in the middle and outbreaks of glass in the side a punch gap, blood was between the shattered glass.

The maids immediatly closed the door and turned to each other.

"We have to tell mister deku!" And they rushed to wherever he was. not noticing the girl in a red dress that was hiding beside the pillar next to them the whole time, you.

As the maids left rushing out of the hallway still screaming at each other in panic you rushed to the opposite side of of the mansion the front of your dress clutched in your two hands keeping it up so you wont trip heels clattering over the porselin floor
Your hair a mess. You ran as fast as you could in the deadly pointy heals.

A dead end. Thats where you ended a big, grim halway with at the end of it one big window circle shaped, you ran towards it and you could see many guests already entering the mansion, some where heros some where villains it was strange to see them on the same side, but you knew things had changed you looked back at the way you ran from and saw nothing but darkness there the wall where filled with pantings of famous heroes and one was a little crooked and while it was slowly swaying side to side because of gravity you could see a small shimmer.

You walked towards it slowly letting your dress drop and you stood up straight walking up to the wonky painting you lifted it so it was side ways and there was a handle hidden behind it your eyes widened and you immediatly, without a doubt brought it down, you could hear a mechanism work inside the wall you where facing and the wall shifted to the side a clear and dark path infront of you status where on each side of the wall some holding a sword and others holding a torch letting of a small spark of light, lighting up a small path, you looked back a the window again seeing more people enter and you went for it.

Running into the dark hallway that had just appeared seconds ago, a couple steps in and the door behind you suddenly shut. You walked forward slowly weary of the statues beside you on both sides, you observed the statues and they where heroes you could recognize most of them from a mile away many number one heroes and and the further you walked to more close to your own century they where.

You could hear a snap behind you and you immediatly stepped back turning around, you saw nothing, you turned around again to the side you previously where facing when a small chuckle was heard behind you, you looked to your left and saw one of the statues holding a iron sword, you grabbed it pulling it out of the statues hold and putting it infront of you, and when you heard that chuckle again you immediatly pointed your weapon at that person.

"Whoo! Whoo, calm down Princess" You could quite litteraly hear the cocky smirk on his face as he said that and your annoyance grew at that poitning the sword just a little closer to him touching his neck, you couldn't see him, but he could see you as a torch was lit up above you, you held a scowl and his smirk just widened when your scowl deepened.

"What do you want!" You said pointing the sword closer once again, a sudden breath in your neck made you lose your footing a little.

"No need to get agressive love, we're just here to help you." The person behind you said as you still had your sword pointed at the guy infront of you, the guy at sword point lifted a finger and moved the sword to the side letting him step out of your threat as you pulled down the sword to your side, still wary of the two unknown guys and the guy behind you stepped to the side.

And you could recognize them immediatly.


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