✮❛ a new era.❜━

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(Chapter twenty)

CHAOS HAD ERUPTED After the world wide phenomenon on the news between you and the hero society had taken place, people started to riot on the streets. Hero agency's would be attacked at night. Uravity's agency had fallen victim to your followers. Your followers would paint, set things on fire or just anythong to piss off the government. Jo-ō had made a public announcement to stay home, seak safety and evacuate the people close to the u.a school, where riots levels where at its highest. And the main building of the hero agency. Underground or lower powered heroes where brought to savety.

Streets surrounding the u.a school where completly empty, only the sounds of manical laughter or fire emitting or spray cans where heard as they echoed around the school. Scaring the ones that where hiding in their homes furthermore. Everyone that had been left in the dark had finally gotten a chance at revenge. Innocent people were not to be scared but the twisted words of the heroes made them believe that what you where doing was a villains act.

While everyone was causing chaos, you where save and sound in your appartement. Miss Ezra who was slowly healing after Hana's act helped you clean up your house. You where gratefull and offered to pay for her stay since you where now capable of getting as much money as you wanted.

Your mailbox was overflown and thousands of packages where left infront of your appartement door, your followers who had shown their appreciation in different ways. Some with money, others a little more concerning with cut of hands of slaughtered heroes or police forceses tags.

Speaking off the police force they where in shambles. It was utter chaos, people where running around and police men would run out as a squad but arrive back with maybe only one or two survivers. They where running out and since the heroes where being targeted they didn't have them either. A few of the very brave heroes where walking around the place with food or papers that was being handed out to victims. Some prisons within the place where filled with 'the betrayed' as they called themselves or rather 'revengers' they where banging on the bars or singing about their wrong doings. Police men wouldn't get closer than a few meters of the barred room. They where all stuck together and even tho the prisoners didn't know each other they where the best of friends to each other.

Jo-ō had threathened you true the media. Twittering because she wouldn't dare show her face knowing what your people where capable of.

"If you are brave enough to do this fight fair then stop your people and lets hold a press converence, the people will decide because we, the good people live life like a democracy and we will listen to what you have to say if it is honest."

There where some more pharagraphs she wrote or most likely her assistants, you stopped reading after finishing the first paragraph and threw the phone you had in your hand away, out of the window.

They where making it seem like you where causing trouble when all you where doing was letting the ones that where betrayed have their spotlight but the betrayers always where made inoccent. This angered you, further than you where already angered and you grabbed one of your many burnphones and in confidence decided you would continue reading the tweet.

The tweet continued in sentences of date and time and it would be next week.

You smiled, you decided that you would go. Having the pure face of your betrayers feeling scared get the best of you.

Short chapter sorry:))

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Short chapter sorry:))

𝗡𝗢 𝗠𝗢𝗥𝗘 𝗧𝗘𝗔𝗥𝗦 Where stories live. Discover now