✮❛ sixteen. ❜━

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ALL YOU WANTED AFTER WAKING UP in the hospital was some peace and quiet. Moments before going to sleep you had it all planned out, you would wake up start the dat by watching the news and a amazing breakfast consisting of all of the five nessecities. Asking the nurses for a Bucket of salted popcorn and everytime someone you disliked would het screentime you would throw the popcorn at them. After that you would read a book, after all these years of always saying to yourself you will and buying books but never acutally reading them. You would actually read one today. A book about a woman seeking revenge, letting yourself get ever-so-close to that feeling. After that you would have a friendly, deepgoing conversation with either your neighbour who was there way before you and looked like she was waiting for some human interaction of one of your nurses. And then sleep, sleep, and sleep some more.

What you weren't waiting for was the three heroes back in your room, even while being as high as the mountain everest. You where crying on the inside because you were once again not able to catch a break. Until Ezra walked in, acting like you were asleep and listening in on their conversation made you happy but confused.

You noticed from the start that it wasn't actually Ezra but Hana.

Sitting up while the three heroes were in euphoria of the woman infront of them gave you enough of a chance to make yourself comfortable sitting upright.

"How's it going Hana?" You said.

"Better than you are doing probably." She spoke, and the three heroes finally noticed you.

"I'm fine, I was forced in here anyway. It's like vacation."

"Vacation? You bet your ass you are not getting a vacation, you've missed two weeks already. That was your vacation." She said— your boss said.

The three heroes looked confused but you two ignored her, while you mustered up your best puppy eyes.

"But I was kidnapped!"

Hana kept her hand on her hips as she looked at you and you sighed.


"Can't you see we're in a conversation?"
"Why are you talking?"

Hana and you spoke in sync, and kirishima shut himself up in seconds because Todoroki grabbed his lips and held them tightly together.

"Dude. Shut up" todoroki whispered letting go of his lips after kirishima nodded his head as fast as he could.

Kirishima rubbed the side of his lips and frowned. "Man, what was that for?"

Bakugou got inbetween the two of them head all in a circle. "Uhh, guys-"

"What?" Todoroki said in suprise of bakugous unusual soft voice.

"The girls are gone." Bakugou said and the soft tone turned more sarcastic than ever.

The three of them turned to where they where supposed to sit, but they where gone. Your hospital gown on the ground and the book that you had set next to your bed gone just as the painkillers where. They turned to each other once again and ran out of the room, kirishima accidentally tripping over a chair that was sat on the side of the door and falling making Todoroki trip over him. Bakugou looked back as he was already out of the door and grabbed their hands lifting them up and running after the two of you.

"Run faster!" Hana screamed at you, "I'm literally dressing myself while running. Give me a break!" You spoke hastily having the shirt your wearing one arm in and the other where your neck is supposed to be. Hana stopped in the middle of the hallway and pulled at your shirt pulling at your arm and the shirt was on the right way. "A master are you now? Can you take it of that well too?" You spoke and Hana pushed you forward getting back to running.

Turning around one of the many corners you turned around while running to see if the heroes where close by. Turning around again you knocked yourself into an old man. "Oh shit!"

The man was knocked out cold on the ground and Hana got on her knees. "What the fuck are you doing?" You spoke lowly.

"We have to run!"

"The old man could be dead [y/n]! We have to help him!" You sighed, Hana went to check his pulse and you turned around the corner to see two of the three heroes looking in one of the rooms at the start of the hallway.

"Hana- Hana! We have to go. Now!" You said pulling at her arm.

"What?! No! We have to atleast leave a note!"
She said grabbing pen and paper from the secretary that was hiding under her desk after seeing the two of you run in. You slapped it out of her hand and grabbed it right after.

"Fuck that!" You said pulling at her hands but she would not budge.

"Give him the painkillers atleast!" She said to you.

"No. Their mine!" You said grabbing the painkiller from your pocket and holding them to your heart.

"Give them." Hana said.

"Fine! But i swea-" "give them!"

You gave them hesitantly but immediately pulled your hand back Hana glared at you and you could hear footsteps behind you.

"Atleast let me say goodbye to them!" Hana sighed and lifted her hand to rub a aching spot on her head. She grabbed the painkillers and you stepped forward but she threw them at the old man you had knocked out hitting his forehead and you to fled again going for the elevator.

" I found them!" You could hear kirishima scream and you turned around entering the elevator which had its doors wide open. You pushed Hana to the side and klicked as many buttons as you could. You looked back at them to see the three of them run at the two of you and you went back to klicking again.

"HEY!" Bakugou screamed and the doors finally shut. Right in their faces.

"Oh thank god." You sighed and slid down the walls of the elevator turning to Hana. "Now tell me? What the fuck did you mean by vote about me?"

Hana's face went white and her eyes widened.

"You were never asleep where you?" She laughed but the laugh seemed fake and she coughed slowly at the end of her laugh.

"You're not gonna like this,"

"Just tell me."



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