✮❛ twelve. ❜━

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THE REST OF THE Car ride was silent, and in the span of only half an hour you where back at your appartement. Bakugou was wide awake now but had yet to make a comment about you, or shouto.

You had yet to give an answer to todoroki's question but with the way he was speaking with you, calling you deku's fiance came to you with such unsettling feelings, that you had forgotten the question he had asked and merely focused on that nickname, not getting it out of your mind.

The car stopped and they both looked at you awaiting your goodbye and to never see you again. You opened the car door but stopped when todoroki spoke to you one last sentence.

"Keep yourself out of trouble, yeah?"

Your face twisted to one of disgust and you where visibly reminded that you where in a car with two of the people that made you to be a broken heart.

"Fuck you."

And with that you left, you took a couple of steps thinking the car would speed of right after you had been a little bit away from the street, but no. Looking back at the car you saw both of them staring directly at you. You straightend up your back and scoffed.

You continued walking ignoring the two burning stares and when you had closed the door of the appartement entrance behind you you turned to the way of the street true the window by the door as last. Waving a beatifully middle finger and a cocky, taunting smirk.

"You shouldn't be mean. They helped you ya' know."

You turned around quickly, and turned to face a face you had tought you would last see in the woods.

Dabi, he looked at you from the seat by the stairs (wich was barely holding on.) A litt sigaret laced between his lips and small puffs of smoke above him, he looked up at you and smirked when you put that shock on your face.

He lifted his hand and pointed above him. You followed the direction of his finger and saw your door, broken on the floor and the entrance of your home trashed.

You looked at him again, and while your face shrunk into one of fear, his smirk only widened. And he shrugged playfully. Ending his little act of childishness with a small oops' you walked up the stairs keeping your eyes down. Not wavering them from the black haired sadist.

And only when you stepped over your broken door, almost walking directly backwards, you let your eyes go from his to the mess of your house.

You walked into the hallway dropping your bag slowly, silent steps, and you could hear dabi standing up from the chair he sat in by the entrance.

You looked true the first entrance that was by the hallway of your appartement, the kitchen.

Shards of glass where all over the ground, all of the cabines where thrown open food was dropping out, a knife was missing, a big one. You went over the the knife holder and grabbed one of the longer ones. And you couldn't help but thank u.a in this situation immediatly going back to the basics and getting into a defensive pose. Walking slowly out of the kitchen you where back in the hallway, dabi was leaning against the side of your broken door, now more of a open entrance. Looking amused he ushered you to move forward. And so you did.

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