✮❛ what really happened that night.❜━

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(Chapter twenty-three)

Walking into school that one morning you had a little jump to your step as you walked on the sidewalk earphones blasting your favorite song everything was going perfect, nothing could break your day you confinced yourself.

Izuku midoriya was finally your boyfriend, yesterday night he had come up to your window threw stones at it till you noticed it was someone. you walked up to your balcony and he held roses in his hands when he told you of his undying love for you. He climbed up the plants that grew along the walls of your home and kissed you.

Arriving at the gate you sighed happily you grabbed your bag and held it in a tight grip estatic to see you where the first one to arrive.

The small walk from the gate to the main building was short but felt all too heavenly for you small flowers fell from the trees and flowed around you. A giggle to your voice as you spoke your hello's to the birds that flew around you, holding your finger out to let a bird land on it and chirped as you walked inside.

As you stood infront of the main doors you opened them with a wide smile, but to your surprise the lights where flickering red and green. It meant there was a villain in the building. You stepped forward cautious and two police officers stepped foward to greet you. They made you turn around against the wall and you whimpered at the impact you turned your neck to them when you felt sharp shackles around your wirsts.

"Is this a drill?" You whispered and they didn't give you an answer, you gulped down a breath slowly. They walked you up the stairs and you smiled when they turned the hallway to walk to your classroom. "Is this a prank?"— they didn't answer—"c'mon i know denki wanted revenge for the joke i pulled on him!" You jumped up a little and you smiled at them wiggling your eyebrows. When they kept their glares on you and pushed you forward so you could turn around the corner, your smile dissapeared again.

"Okay, okay.. so this is like a really thought out training? Why is it only me then?"

They wouldn't answer and your innocent mind did not rot one bit.

They stopped infront of the classroom door and you peaked into the windows to see all your classmates inside and you sighed in relief.

They opened the door and you took it upon yourself to step inside first that smile back again.

"Hey guys!— do you know if this is a drill?— guys?" When you had a good look at them you saw that some where crying others where glaring at you and some just held a cold look at you. Your shoulders sagged and the police officers held both of your shoulders tightly when you went to step forward to help them, your friends.

You glanced at izuku but he didn't meet your eyes kept looking at the wall while he held ochako comfortly.

Aizawa, all might and endeavor walked in with similair glares and the small mouse of a director walked in behind them.

"Whats happening?" You asked waving your head around in the hopes of an answer.

" you know exactly whats happening. You're caught." Aizawa said.


"Oh c'mon you don't have to act anymore. We know!! You betrayed us at least have the balls to say the truth. " all might said with balled fists

"B-Betrayed what do you mean?" You spoke scared and no hint of a smile anywhere.

"Stop it!! Stop acting innocent. Izuku told us everything from the moment you had a talk with the league of villains to the fucking missions you had!"

"M-me?" You said shakily as you turned to izuku betrayed, you shook your head as tears started falling. Your hands that where still stuck scratched at your eyes.

"Guys this isn't funny! C'mon t-this is a joke right?"


"Please for the love of god stop acting innocent?! Izuku told us about your mother and how she was in contact with the league of villains. How you told izuku when you went to him yesterday."

"Went.. to.. him?" Your eyes widened and you turned to izuku fully, he didn't meet your eyes and you shook your head again. He betrayed you, he was the one who was meddling with the lov but he blamed you?

"Y/n l/n you are to be taken away. Gaurds take her" the mouse-man said and you where dragged away you struggled against their hold clawing at their faces screaming at them as your classmates saw your tear stained and red face over the gaurds shoulder, as you passed out.

Aizawa turned to all might behind the glass by the lab. "Its okay to feel hurt. She was your prodigy after all. "

All might didn't turn to him instead kept watching as they laid you on the table injecting cables onto your bloodstream as you twitched while you where unconscious.

"It is not hurt i feel. It is guilt for not noticing it earlier."

All might met his eyes when they shackled you up into a hanging position from the cieling.

He walked to the door as he kept his eyes on aizawa. "This is her punishment." And he left with that, letting the tears flow the moment the door fell closed. Aizawa left shortly after.

One of the doctors checked your pulse on last time, "alright, green light lets start!" They all put on their goggles as they activated the machine, a scientist who was sitting by the machine shouted back.

"Alright! Ten percent of the taking complete." Your body started shaking and you turned deadly white.

"Fourty percent, all measurements good!"

"Sixty per cent!"

Your body stopped shaking and they shouted a 'clear' to turn of the machine and check your body. One of the many doctors walked closer to you and examined your body to see if anything was wrong he went to wrap a hand around your wirst when one wrapped around his. It was yours, you had woken up.

When aizawa and all might returned all they could see was red. The once complete white lab was now completed with a paint of red. And you missing.

And unknown to each other both of them led out a breath of relief.

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