✮❛ eleven. ❜━

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BLOND SPIKY HAIR was the first thing you saw when the guy you previously held at sword- point came into the light of the torch, the boy next to him had more of an unknown hair colour the red was barely noticeable by the red undertone of the fire of the light above you and the white looked a bit more yellow. Both had a fully black suit on, instead of the basic white blouse, they had a black one, everything was black their hair was lazily slicked back and their hands held a couple of rings.

"Fuckin' 'ell, you see that icy hot, we got the jackpot!" Katsuki grinned or rather- smirked his teeth showing, Pearly white.

"Yes, i can see." Shouto said, no smile, just a straight face.

You scowled, holding the sword close to you, walking backwards a couple of steps on caution.

"What' ya steppin' back for Princess? We're only here to help" katsuki's words made you want to believe him, but the smirk on his face told a whole nother story, shouto was still merely observing and every step you took back katsuki took forward.

"No need to run!" Katsuki shouted excitement clear in his voice. And you turned around deciding to run, your heels where stopping you from running to at your full speed but you tried anyway. Your dress was bouncing with your steps and if you weren't carefully running you would have already flashed the pair.

You could hear katsuki's steps hot on your track and your feet suddenly felt sickenly cold. You lookes down at your feet and you were frozen down by shouto. You scowled shuffling your feet down as much as you could to break down the ice, but it was of no use.

Katsuki stepped around you to stand infront of you and shouto was next to him in seconds.

"Got ya' runaway" he smirked as you scowled at the nickname.

"You mean i got her." Shouto said looking at katsuki next to him.

"HUHH No way!! if it wasn't for me we wouldn't have even found her!!" Katsuki screamed annoyed, and you couldn't help but laugh loudly caused by his 'powerfull' personality.

And so you laughed, and then blacked out.

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AND AGAIN THE FIRST THING YOU SAW WAS spiky blond hair as you woke up from whatever had made you fall asleep in the first place you looked around the unknown space seeing yourself seeted in the back of what seemed like a police car but as you looked outside true the back window by the front space there was no trace of any identification of a police car it was really just a basic black car.

The vence that was placed between where you where seated and the front seat was tick you couldn't make out any figure that could be sitting there driving except for the spiky blond hair that was tickling your head you turned your head and there it was.

Bakugou katsuki asleap on your shoulder, his face was in your neck and all of his hair was tickling the side of your face and neck small snores left his mouth from time to time but it was silenced by your neck.

You held your hand infront of you and pushed at his head an attempt to get him off of you but it was no use he merely grumbled and dove into your neck again.

The vence infront of you suddenly went down, and you saw shouto todoroki sitting on the drivers seat, not driving but looking back at you as he held a hand to the back of the head of the chair next to him where the unknown person was seated.

"So how's it going deku's fiancé?"

'Why does everyone start a conversation with how's it going?!?'


Short chapter sorry:((
Y/n hero arc???

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