✮❛ nine. ❜━

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chapter 9

Someone walking behind you lingered in your head and it was as if you could hear the silent footsteps behind you, the hairs in your necks standing up and your eyes moving from one place to another. The snake like butler walking a meter infront of you holding the both of his hands behind his back slithering true the dark halls, the only thing giving light to the darkness being the torchess that lit up against the wall and the big window star shaped at the end of the hall wich you could see even from the start.

The butler came to a sudden halt and turned to the door on his left, looking back at you for a second then walking up to the door, you marched forward a bit too standing almost right behind him. He stood on his tippy toes trying to reach the door knob, a hiss leaving his mouth a sense of frustration by the fail of reaching it. You stood still behind him hiding a small grin.

"Uhm... do you perhaps need help?" You asked with a small giggle, the butler turned around annoyed and moody. Glared at you for a second then nodded slowly.

You raised your eyebrow mockingly teasing him to ask nicely. And he glared again clenching the small pair of hands to his side.

"Please, help me open the door..!" He spoke begrudgily, looking away from you.

"With pleasure" you said happily a mocking smile and you almost ran forward, him stepping aside letting you open the door yourself to one of the largest bedrooms you had ever seen there was one queens bed in the middle rapped in beatiful flowers and fabric stepping into the room your feet immediatly felt soft even true your shoes you could feel the softness of the carpit many large closets on the side, you could hear the soft steps of the butler behind you and you turned around eyes wide in admiration.

The smile on your face only made his scowl deeper and he stuck his nose in the air turning around and heading to another room connected to the one you where currently in, following him quickly he opened the door slowly you shoved your head between the smal creak immensly curious to the new room and the butler shut the door suddenly you yanked your head back and looked at the butler with wide eyes, he lookes at you with raised eyebrows and slowly starts to open the door again. immediatly you stuck your head out again and the door shut once more.

The butler looked at you once again raised eyebrows and everything and you nodded a little 'sir yes sir' following the nod, the butler opened the door once more and you didn't try to stick your head out this time and he fully opened the door. Widening your eyes you where met with a huge dressing room atleast 5 closets filled with dresses, shoes, pants and everything.

You stood there admiring everything for a solid 10 minutes and the cough of the butler reminded you of where you where. You turned to him and he turned around again, following him once more you headed back to the bedroom, and you sat down on the bed, the butler heading to leave but your voice had stopped him.

"Can you perhaps tell me... why i'm actually here?"

He turned around wide eyes for a few seconds and then scoffed turning to walk to you standing infront of you and grabbing your arm, the one that had gotten hurt by izukus grip on you.

You looked at him in expectance.

"I should have known you weren't stupid." Was the first thing he had said, and you smiled proudly at that.

"Stupid? me?"

He didn't answer you and started tending to the bruise, after a few seconds he looked up to you scrunching his nose up.

"You can drop that façade of yours, i have no interest in helping one that acts like she needs it when she doesn't." The smile you wore earlier was quickly replaced by a disgusted scowl the inoccent and happy look in your eyes suddenly gone, like it was never there in the first place.

"Thank you, now i can actually tell you why your here." You scoffed, head turning to the side and pulling your hand back, like it was never jurt in the first place you held your hand in you other one turning it a little moving it side to side and ripping the bandages off of it.

You turned to him again and put up a dead grin wich held to emotion, your grin not meeting your eyes and the hairs on his neck stood up, but he continued his words, the shock if it making you stand up no façade no grin no scowl, shock.

"Master midoriya had brought you here to introduce you to the villains, as his upcoming wife. "


Please go take a look at my new story, credit x mha its quite like this one only less angst and more twists!! x

Chapter 9

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