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Hanna's POV

We all just sat looking at the note and I finally picked it up.

"Be careful what you drink Emily. Next time I will hurt your baby


"Emily don't listen to A. you know we're all here to help you and we would never let anyone including A hurt you."

"I know but I'm still scared. what if they try to hurt me again." she said still looking at the note

"Emily we won't let that happen." Alison added

"Are you ready to leave? The doctor said you could." I asked and Emily nodded.

She got up and finally walked out and we all went to her house.

"So Em any ideas for a baby name?" Spencer asked

"No I still have no idea."

"How about daisy?" Alison suggested

"It's pretty but I don't know." she said smiling

Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Maya walked into the living room.

"Hey." Emily said as she moved so maya could sit. I was surprised because she seemed so mad at her at the hospital.

"So what are we talking about?" She asked

"We're just discussing baby names. Ali suggested daisy but I don't know." Em said.

"What about Rose? Any flower name would sound god with your last name because it's fields." Aria said and we all laughed

"What about Corn? you know if it's a boy?" Maya suggested.

"If I have a boy you want me to name him Corn Fields?" Emily asked and then we al burst out laughing

"Are you high or something?" I asked her seriously and she just laughed at me

"I miss this. just being able to laugh and talk with girls my age. I couldn't do that while I was running but it's nice." Maya said

"I know how you feel." Ali added smiling.

something about the way Maya and Ali look at each other is weird but I'm choosing to ignore that and just have fun today.

Emily's mom made an amazing dinner for all of us and we just sat there and talked like we all used to . it was nice. after this whole food poisoning scare and Emily being in the hospital it feel like forever since we have just hung out all together .

Pretty Little Liars: Emily is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now