Come bAck

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Caleb's POV

I really feel bad for Emily. if Hanna was in this situation I don't even know what I would do. who is the father anyways I thought that Emily was gay. I'll ask Hanna later.

"Good morning Caleb." miss Marin said walking into the bedroom.

"Morning" I said sitting up looking for my shirt as the girls woke up.

"I need to talk to Emily alone." she said seriously and me and hanna walked out leaving the two there.

Emily's POV

I barely slept last night. I kept wondering what miss Marin and my mom talked about.

"Emily I talked to your mother and she didn't mean the things she said. She was in shock. She wants me to bring you back there this morning."

"What if I don't want to go." I said very childlike

"Emily give your mother a chance she was crying on the phone yesterday." she said almost begging me to go.

"Fine." I said getting up and feeling a sudden wave of nausea

"Emily are you ok?" She asked me

"I think I'm going to throw up." she said looking at the floor.

"Go to the bathroom sweetie." she rushed over to me a lead me there Hanna and Caleb looking at me from a distance. When Hanna realized what I was doing she came in to hold my hair.

Caleb gave me a piece of gum and then Ashley drove me home.

When I rang my doorbell my stomach was in knots. I was expecting my mom to yell at me but instead she hugged and and kept saying she was sorry.

"Emily please can we talk. I really am sorry. I was just shocked and I didn't know what to do."

"That doesn't change the fact that you kicked me out. That really hurt me mom" I said in tears

"I know sweetie and I'm sorry. I want you to stay and we will get through this together. I can't lie and say I'm not mad, because I am extremely mad but you are my daughter and I will love you no matter what."

"Thanks mom" I said wrapping my
Arms around her and hugging her for a really long Time.

"I called your father and he said he would Skype you tonight to talk things over" she said pulling away and wiping away her tears and mine.

"Was he mad?" I asked her nervously.

"Yes, but he sounded more disappointed than anything."
She answered "... so who is the father." she asked after a long awkward silence.

"That's the thing mom I don't know. I was angry at everything and got really drunk and had a one night stand with some guy and all I know is that his name is Cyrus." I told her disappointed in myself

" oh Emily. Why would you do that to yourself. are you questioning your sexuality again honey because if you are just know that me and your father support you one hundred percent."

"That's not it mom. Im gay. I don't know what happened that night I guess I was just really drunk and you probably think I'm a slut. I'm sorry." I said starting to tear up again.

My mom didn't say anything. she just hugged me and held me for a long time. she let me cry and she even asked me if it was a boy or a girl. she seemed more ok with the idea now that I explained her everything.

Later that night my dad called and. He was mad and disappointed but it was to be expected. I'm 17 and pregnant.
We talked for a while before he has to leave and I went to bed.

I was falling asleep when my phone vibrated and woke me up.
I took it out from under my pillow and read the message

"Poor little Emily. Morning sickness is a bitch isn't it? I wonder how the entire school will feel about you being pregnant.

Good luck tomorrow.

Kisses, -A"

Pretty Little Liars: Emily is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now