Get out

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Emily's POV

"Emily what the hell is this?" She yelled and my heart stopped and I thought I was going to puke.

"It's A pregnancy test."

"I can see that Emily and you better hope it's not yours if not you can pack your bags and go."

It thought about what to say for a long time and I told myself I wasn't going to cry.

"Where is my suitcase?" I said staring her right in the eyes and before I knew it she slapped me across the face.

"Mom!" I yelled backing away.

"Get out of my house. Now." she said pointing at the door and I ran out so fast I forgot to grab my wallet and phone.

I didn't know where to go I was a mess and I had no stuff with me I was walking around town when miss Marin honked at me from her car and pulled over at the side of the road.

"Emily are you ok?" She asked shocked to be seeing me cry

"Ya" I lied and she knew that already

"Get in the car and I'll take you home" she offered

"No I don't want to go home. My mom is really mad at me"

"Then come to my house, you need to stay somewhere" she said reaching across the car and opening the door.

I didn't say anything I just walked in.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened sweetheart" she asked

"I don't want you to think I'm a slut or a whore"

"Emily I would never think you were those things. how could I?"

"Because im pregnant" I told her starting to tear up again

"Emily do the girls know?"

"Ya they do and I just told my mom and she kicked me out" I said starting to cry again

"Maybe I can talk to her Emily." she suggested as she pulled up in front of her house and parked the car. "Now come in and just make yourself at home. Hanna and Caleb are upstairs. I will try to call your mom"

"Thank you" I said wiping away my tears and walking inside

"Hanna I'm home, Emily is here" Ashley yelled to her from upstairs.

Hanna came downstairs and Caleb followed she stopped halfway down when she realized I was crying.

"Emily what happened?!" She asked making her way down the rest of the stairs.

"MymomfoundoneofmypregnancytestsandshekickedmeoutandnowIhavenowheretogo." I said really fast

"Em slow down I can't understand you when you talk that fast" hanna said grabbing my hand and sitting me down

I breathed a little and started again

"My mom found one of my pregnancy tests and she kicked me out and now I have no where to go" I was crying hard now and I am so embarrassed because Caleb is here and I hate it when people see me cry.

"Emily you can stay here. Now, come upstairs and wash your face and then we can watch a movie or something" she said dragging me up the stairs

Ashley's POV

I really feel bad for Emily. She is so mad at herself and she has her mom mad at her and that's not helping her at all. I told Emily i was going to call Pam so I'm calling her now

"Hello" Pam said. it sounded like she was crying.

"Hey Pam it's Ashley.Is everything ok?" I asked

"No Ashley I made a mistake and now I don't know where Emily is and it's getting really late."

"Pam don't worry Emily is at my house with Hanna and Caleb. she told me what happened."

"I feel so bad. I was too hard on her I was just shocked and in the moment I kicked her out. I want her to come back so we can talk."

"Emily actually fell asleep but I can bring her over tomorrow morning."

"That would be great. Thank you so much Ashley."

"It's no problem see you tomorrow."


I hung up the phone and went to check on the kids. They were all asleep now. I stopped their movie, went to my room and fell asleep shortly after.

Pretty Little Liars: Emily is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now