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Emily's POV

I followed the stream and it led me to the side of a road. It's dark and I have no idea where I am. A couple of cars passed but not many. None of them saw I was trying to hitchhike.

Eventually I decided to just walk in the direction that the cars were going. It started to rain and I was scared. I didn't know where I was or even if I was going in the right direction.

I was walking and just out of it when a honking car startled me.
I looked up and saw an older couple in a jeep

"You need a ride sweetie?" A blonde girl asked me

I walked closer to the car

"Why you out here so late?"

"I'm lost."

"Well where you headed we'll take you there." She offered

"Rosewood." I said shyly

"That's where we're going also." The driver said "hop in."

I got into the backseat of the jeep and sat there awkwardly.

"What happened to you sweetheart you look terrible." The man driving asked me.

"Someone took me and put me in a small cabin in the forest and I don't know who did it or where I am" I said

"Well we're about half an hour away from rosewood. Do you need something to eat or drink? We can stop by some place if you'd like?" The lady asked but I declined. I just wanted to go home.

I gave her Hanna's address and she dropped me off there. It gabled th and got out of the car.

I rang Hanna's doorbell and her mom answered.

"Hey Emily how was your vacation?" She asked slightly weirded out that I was at her door so late

I couldn't answer. I felt weak and light headed and I just felt like crying. My eyes were tearing up and I could feel my face getting hot.

"Emily is everything alright?" She asked just as Hanna got downstairs.

"Em oh my gosh what happened?" Hanna asked concerned.

All I could say was "A" before I broke down in tears.

Hanna and her mom helped me in and sat me in the kitchen. I felt dirty. I was dirty.

"Emily where the hell were you. You look terrible." Hanna asked

I didn't want to answer because her mom was there.

"Can I take a shower?" I asked

"Sweetie what happened?" Her mom asked me again

"I just want to take a shower!" I said

"Come upstairs Em. I'll turn on the shower for you."

I followed her upstairs and she put me in the shower. It felt good to wash all the nasty dirt off of me.
Once I got out I felt a lot better but I was still Terrified.

"Is Alison ok?" I asked Hanna

"Yeah she's fine why?"

"Where did A tell you I was?"

"Em you told us you went to solve things with Maya. Did A take you somewhere."

"Yes they put me in a cabin in the woods and I had no idea where I was and I had to find my way out."

"Em I'm so sorry but I though I have been texting you for the past four days!" Hanna said guiltily

"It's not your fault Hanna. A is crazy!"

"Did they hurt you?" She asked

"No I'm fine just scared. I hitchhiked back."

"Along as you are ok now. Do you want me to call the others?"

"No I think I'm just gonna go home. Can you walk me?" I asked

"Sure thing." She said and hoped off her bed

Miss Marin asked me a couple of questions before we left and Hanna took me home.

I lied to my mom about what happened and pretended I actually did go see Maya.

I went into my comfy bed and fell asleep instantly. I had a dream about Alison and woke up feeling a lot better.

I got my things ready for school and I headed to Alison's house in hopes to see her.

Pretty Little Liars: Emily is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now