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Pam's POV

Emily has not been herself these last couple of days. She stayed home for a few days so she could catch up on her sleep and today was he first day back.

She left earlier to go meet with Hanna and me and her father were left alone With our beautiful granddaughter.

Hanna's POV

I'm meeting up with Emily so I can catch her up on all of the homework she missed.

When she got to my house she looked a bit sad but I didn't question it.

"So we have to do an English essay but Ms. Montgomery told me to tell you to go see her for that."

"Is that it?" She asked

"No we have homework for math but you can just copy mine or Spencer's."

"Ok." She said

"Are you hungry?" I asked her

She shook her head.

"Em what's wrong?" I asked and she shook her head again

I'm really confused and I don't really know what to do so I go and hug her.

"Emily what's wrong? Why are you crying?" I say letting out a nervous laugh.

"I don't want to do this anymore. It's too much." She said

"Emily what's too much? The baby?" I Asked worried.

She nodded and my mother came in. I have her a look that kinda said "what the hell do I do?" And she came in to help me.

"Emily sweetheart calm down and breath and then tell me what's wrong." My mom said hugging Emily.

She told my mom she was just stressed and she started to calm down a bit.

"Are you ok to go to school Em?" I asked and she nodded.

"Sorry." She said grabbing her bags and heading for the front door.

I quickly followed and we got into my car. I talked to her about anything and everything to get her mind off what happened and it seemed to be working. When we got to school it looked like she had been crying because her eyes were still red. I helped fix her makeup so it would look better and we headed for class.

"Are you sure you're ok Em?" I whispered.

"I'm fine Hanna." She said stopping at her locker.

We both got our books for first period and headed to miss Montgomery's classroom.

The desks where paired up in two so I sat next to her for today. Miss Montgomery didn't seem to care.

We didn't have to do much all class. She just assigned us reading and then writing a response.

I looked over to Emily and it looked like she was going to cry again. I ignored it cause I didn't want to make her worse but I felt so bad.
Emily is not usually like this. It kills me to see her sad.

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