I don't know

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Emily's POV

I woke up in the hospital really confused. I remember not being able to breath but that's about it.

When I woke up, I was surrounded by the girls and my mother. I was happy to see Maya. I tried to smile but I felt to weak.

"You guys she's awake" Maya squealed .

As soon as she said that the doctor rushed in to check my vitals and when she concluded I was stable she explained to them what had happened.

"So girls it appears that your friend has had a bad case of some sort of food poisoning causing her to faint. Luckily, it had no effect on her baby as far as we can tell so you don't have to worry about that."

I sighed in relief and relaxed a bit. I was happy to see Maya but it was still a bit weird having her around. I wasn't used to having her back yet. I don't even know if I still love her.

"So Em the doctors said they would keep you one more night and then you can go home."

I nodded and just laid on the bed staring at the ceiling. I knew A did this to me and I was really scared.

It was quiet before Maya broke the silence.

"So when you get out of the hospital maybe we could go to a restaurant or to a movie or-"

"No" I interrupted rudely

Maya looked hurt and I instantly felt bad.

"I'm sorry but I just need time to think... About us." I said still staring at the ceiling.

Maya got up and walked out of the room and all the girls were quiet.

"Em what was that?" Hanna asked

"I don't know. I just don't know how to feel about her anymore. I mean she lied to me and I forgave her but I don't know if that was the right choice"

"Oh ok." they all said awkwardly.

I don't think they were used to the idea of Maya being around either. it was just really weird for all of us.

"So off this topic, do you have any idea what you want to name the baby?" Aria asked

"No I have no idea. I'm gonna wait till I know if it's a boy or a girl before I start thinking."

The girls stayed with me all night and we talked about anything and everything before we fell asleep and woke up the next morning to a note on my bed. We already knew who it was from.


Hey guys. sorry for the short chapter but updates will be a lot more frequent from now on. I promise.

Anyways I hope you enjoy this story and I Made an Instagram for my fanfics its Pll_Samantha.

Go check it out and follow me and Let me know in the comments any suggestions for this story or for anything

Love you guys!!


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