sprAy pAint?

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Emily's POV

"Em who the fuck did this!" Hanna asked

"Uhm Hanna isn't it kinda obvious.. it was A" Spencer shot back

"You guys!" I yelled attempting to get them to shut up

"Sorry" they all whispered. They found a place to sit and they let me talk.

"I don't care who did this. please just help me get it off" I said walking towards the bathroom

The girls all followed me into the bathroom and started trying to wipe it off

"Emily I don't think this is spray paint." Spencer said looking at it

"I know it's smells kinda weird and it's coming off way to easy." Aria added

"You guys this is blood." Spencer said backing away and soon enough all the other girls did.

"Can you please just get it off me!" I begged. Alison came and started wiping it off my stomach with her eyes closed.

I have to admit she did a pretty good job aside the fact that she kept gagging.

"You guys I'm going to call Maya" I said getting up but I instantly felt nauseous and weak.

"Em what's wrong?" Hanna said coming to my side

"I don't feel so good" i Moaned figuring it was morning sickness.

"Do you want to sit down" Ali asked and she pulled me to the couch

"Thanks" I whispered breathing more heavily.

"Emily are you gonna pass out? You Are so pale." Spencer said getting me a glass of water. I was having a harder time catching my breath now.

"I can't breathe" I said gasping for Air.

"Go get her mother Ali" Hanna yelled and I heard all the other girls asking me questions but I couldn't answer.

"Emily stay with me. please." Hanna said. I tried my hardest to answer her but it was getting a lot harder to breathe and before I knew it I fell forward and everything went black.

Pretty Little Liars: Emily is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now