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I tried to sleep that night but I was afraid. I kept looking at the text afraid -A was gonna do something to me.

I got up to get some water and I heard something move In the living room.

"Mom?" I said expecting and answer but nobody made a sound

I walked towards the living room but I couldn't see anything. It was pitch black. Before I knew it, someone had their hand on my mouth and picked me up.

I tried to scream but my voice was muffled by the persons thick leather gloves. I knew it was -A but I didn't know what they wanted.

I was carried outside my house and put into a car.

"What the hell!" I yelled at the driver but I didn't get an answer. I didn't really expect an answer.

They drove for what felt like hours but in reality it was probably only 45 minutes.

When we finally stopped we were in the middle of nowhere. A big forest that seemed to go on forever.

All I could see was what looked like a small shed. Barely big enough to fit two people.

-A took me out of the car and threw me into the small shed. The only thing in there was a bed, a lantern and a bag of bread.

I sat in the bed defeated and tried to calm down. After about 5 minutes -A slipped a key into a crack in the wall and I heard the car start and I hear it leave.

The dim light of the lantern was the only light I was getting in this pitch Black Forest. I was terrified and freezing.

I got under the thick covers -A generously provided and tried to sleep. It didn't really work, I just watched the sun rise and watched the sun set again.

Over the course of the day a had one and a half pieces of bread. I don't know how long I'm going to be here so I want to save as much food as possible.

I haven't been outside yet. I feel safer inside under these covers.

When the sun completely set I heard a car pull up.

-A opened the door and threw a bottle of water at me. There was a note attached to it.

"Your friends and family think you're safe. It's up to you to save yourself. Good luck.

This note scared me. No one is looking for me and I don't know where the hell I am.

I waited until morning then I grabbed all the blankets from the bed and put them on my back. I put the bread and the water bottle in them so they wouldn't fall and I took the lantern in my hand.

I decided to follow the tire tracks of the car from last night because they would eventually lead me out.

I've been walking forever and my feet are killing me. I have no idea where I am because the tire tracks have disappeared.

I can hear the faint sound of running water so i decided to walk towards that. I remember my dad telling me if I ever got lost on one of our camping trips to always follow the current of a stream and it would eventually lead me out. So that's what I did and hopefully it will take me somewhere.

Pretty Little Liars: Emily is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now