You're having a..

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Emily's POV

I'm back at school today. I haven't been in two weeks because Ive been resting.

What I'm really excited for is after school because I have an appointment and I'm finally gonna find out the gender of the baby.

I walked into the school with Maya and people were still staring at us despite the fact that Maya has been here for a while.

"What the hell are you looking at?" She yelled at a freshman kid who was staring at us. he ran away and she laughed

"Maya that was mean." I said shoving her and chuckling.

"I don't care it was funny." she said as we walked into class.

Ali was in this class also so we went and sat next to her.

"Hey girls." she said while she was doodling

"Hey are you coming to Emily's appointment after school today?" Maya asked her

"Of course I'm coming! I wouldn't miss it for anything." she said excited.

All the girls are coming tonight and I'm slightly nervous because they all have bets on the gender of the baby.

I really don't care if my baby is a boy or a girl. all I care is that it's healthy.

I kinda dozed off in class. I was daydreaming and got lost in my own thoughts and I didn't even realize the bell had rung.

"Em it's recess lets go." Ali said dragging me off my chair.

We met up with all the other girls and started to get ready for our next class.

"Em I'm so excited for later. I can't wait to find out what the baby is!" Aria said

"Me too. I think it's a boy."

"No way! It's totally a girl. It has to be a girl so I can buy her cute clothes." Hanna Whined and we all laughed.

The rest of the day was really annoying. I was so excited I couldn't concentrate in any of my classes and it felt like the day was never gonna end.

Finally the bell rang and all of us girls met outside the school.

"We can all meet at the doctors since we have our cars here." Spencer suggested so we took our cars and met up outside the doctors office.

My mom was there waiting for us and we walked into the clinic nervously

I'm finally finding out the gender of my baby and I couldn't be more excited although I'm kind of nervous. My mother is worse though. She's always wanted a granddaughter and she can't contain her excitement .

What I was most excited about was that even Toby and Caleb came. Ezra couldn't make it because he had to teach.

"Are you nervous" my mom asked

"Yes I'm so nervous." I said

"Don't be we are all here to support you! You should be excited." Maya said grabbing my hand

I smiled at her and the nurse started doing the ultrasound.

"Are you girls ready to find out the gender of the baby?" The nurse asked us

"Yes! Hurry up already." my mom shouted and I couldn't help but laugh.

Alright Emily you're having a..

Pretty Little Liars: Emily is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now