Guess who is bAck

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Aria's POV

When I saw who had texted me, I was taken back. I really thought she was gone. I'm happy she's not.

"So before we talk about anything can you tell me how you are here?" I asked her

Maya looked at me, sighed and started talking.

"Just like Alison, A was threatening to kill me. I had to do something so I payed someone to fake my death. I don't want this to sound creepy but I've been watching You guys to make sure you are ok since I've been gone."

I was a bit angry that she hadn't told anything to Emily but I get it because she was only trying to protect herself.

"Not to sound rude, but why are you back?" I asked her

"Well you kinda killed Shana and she was A."

How the hell did she know this, and how did she know Shans was A.

"Oh ya.. that." I said remembering that terrifying night

"That was badass!" she said pulling something out of her bag. I soon realized it was a joint.

"You want?" she asked and I shook my head. Just the smell of weed makes me want to puke.

Me and Maya talked for a while. I kept wondering why she texted me. we barely ever talked before she left.

"Why me? i mean you were closer to Hanna than me. why didn't you text her?" I asked

"I feel like I could trust you more. plus Hanna is louder. She would have gotten us killed somehow." she said laughing.

"Well do you want me to drive you to Spencer's? That's were everybody is." I offered, getting off of the swing set.

"I guess, but I'm so nervous! I don't think I will even be able to look Emily in the eye considering what I did to her." she said starting to tear up

"Maya don't cry! Knowing Emily she will probably be so Happy she will forgive and forget." I said attempting to cheer her up and it worked.

"Let's go." I said walking towards my car, Maya following close behind me.

I have to admit, the car ride was super awkward. it was so quiet and Maya's stomach was making noises. she was probably starving.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the really loud ones.

Once we got to Spencer's Maya looked extremely nervous. I guess it was normal because she let her girlfriend think she was dead for a long time.

"Are you ready?" I asked her before opening the car door. she nodded and we both walked to Spencer's door.

I knocked and Maya was hiding behind me.

Spencer answered the door

"Where were you I called you like five...Holy crap!"








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-samantha 💋

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