merry christmAs

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Alison's POV

After Emily got back from being kidnapped by -A we grew a lot closer. It's safe to say that we are officially dating. We're happy and the girls are happy and Emily is due this week. Her baby is actually due on Christmas Day and were Christmas Eve today.

All of us are gathering at Em's house for dinner tonight. We did this secret Santa and I got Aria. Spencer got Emily so we both switched because I had no idea what to get Aria. Spencer knows her better anyways.

I was the first to get to Emily's house so I helped Pam set up while Em relaxed.

"Thank you Alison. Not just for helping me but for everything that you have done for Emily. You have helped her tremendously. If it wasn't for you she would probably be depressed siting in her room all the time. Especially after what that Maya St-Germain did to her." Pam said breaking an awkward silence

" That means a lot to me Ms. Fields. I love Emily I really do and I only want what's best for her and that bitch Maya was for sure not it. Sure Em made a mistake that had a huge consequence but I think Emily is going to be an Amazing mother . Especially with your guidance because you really are such a good mother."

"Alison you are so sweet. Can I tell you a secret? I have a surprise for Emily." She said and I nodded

She told me and I got really excited. Emily definitely won't expect this. She's gonna be so happy.

All the others got here and I informed them on what was going on. They all got really excited and tried their best to keep the secret.

Once we had finished dinner we all went to sit in the living room and That's when the doorbell rang.

"Who is ringing so late?" Emily asked and then he walked in.

"Ho-Ho-Ho" Emily's dad said walking into the house.

"Daddy!" Emily yelled and jumped up to hug him. They hugged for a long time before he went to see Pam and give her a hug.

"Did you all know about this?" Emily asked us shocked.

We all nodded in excitement.

We all got settled in and opened up the presents. I got Emily a pink onesie and a matching one for her daughter. She loved it.

"So Emmy do you know what you're naming the baby girl?" Her dad asked

"Yes I do. I'm calling her Samantha.
Samantha Fields." She said and we all smiled.

"Well I'm glad you didn't settle for Corn Fields like Maya had wanted Hanna said and we all started laughing.

All of a sudden Emily just stopped laughing and she looked serious.

"Em what happened?" Spencer asked

"I think my water just broke." She said panicked.

Her mom called the hospital and the ambulance was here within five minutes.

We all followed closely behind her and went into her hospital room. It was Almost midnight and Emily has been in labour for about half an hour.

The doctors asked us to step out of the room but her mom stayed with her.

It was midnight now and we could hear Emily screaming and crying from outside. Her dad was having a hard time listening to that.

"Ok you guys can come in." The doctor finally said and we walked in to see Emily holding her baby girl.

"She's so cute."Aria said looking at her in awe.

"She really is Em. Congrats!" I said kissing her.

"Thanks." She said hugging her baby.

"Well Merry Christmas." Her dad said

"Merry Christmas!" We all repeated.

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