Not A

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~~Aria's POV~~

my heart stopped, if Emily is really pregnant her mom is literally going to kill her. I wanted to say something but nothing came out. We both just kinda stood awkwardly in complete silence before Emily broke down in tears.

"Aria what do I do?" she asked me crying coming to hug me.

"We are gonna go to Spencer's house and talk there so your mom doesn't hear you crying ok?" I told her sweetly.

She let go of the hug and went to wash her face. I was sitting quietly in her room when my phone buzzed. I checked my messages

"Meet me in the parc. 7:00 pm sharp. Come alone."

I was confused. It wasn't marked A but what if it was them? It took me a while to think about it but I eventually decided I was gonna go. what if it was important.

~~Emily's POV~~

It took me a while to calm down but I eventually did. I washed my face and reapplied my makeup before walking back to my room.

Aria was staring at her phone confused.

"Everything ok?" I asked her

"Ya, fine. You ready to go?" she said getting up and smiling.

"Ya" I answered quietly as we walked downstairs

Aria's POV

"MOM WE'RE GOING TO SPENCER'S" Emily yelled to her mom who was still in the kitchen.

"Ok sweetheart don't be to late."

She said peeking her head out of the kitchen.

I just smiled at her and then we walked out the door.

we got into my car and Emily agreed to pick up a pregnancy test on the way.

~~Spencer's POV ~~

When Emily and Aria got here it was 6:30 and I had called all the other girls to come to.

"Is everything ok Em?" hanna asked sitting next to Emily. I could see the tears forming in her eyes. Emily hated crying in front of people and she was trying to hold her tears back.

She didn't answer Hanna she just shook her head.

"Well Emily you need to tell us what's wrong. we can't help you if we don't know." Hanna said a bit quieter this time putting her arm around her.

I saw Aria with a bag in her hand and she motioned me to follow her.

"What is it?" I asked her

"Ok so Emily is almost positive she's pregnant. She took two test already and they were both positive."

"Oh my god Aria her mom is going to kick her out of the house I'm sure of it." I said worried and terrified for Emily.

"I know and I don't know what to tell her but we got one more and if this one is positive she is definitely pregers." Aria said

"Ok well let's go back to Em, Hanna, and Alison." I told her walking back to the living room.

By now Emily was full on crying. Hanna was hugging her and Ali was watching with tears in her eyes.

"Emily look at me." I said taking Hanna's Place "I don't know how things are going to turn out, but I'm not going to give you false hope. just know that we will alway be here for you no matter what."

She hugged me tight and just kept crying. it was killing all of us to see her cry because she never does.

Everyone was quiet and all we heard were Emily's small sobs until someone knocked on the door. it caused me to jump out of seat bringing emily up with me.

I opened it and it was just Toby.

I saw Emily sit back down trying to cover her face.

"Hey is everything ok?" he asked not knowing anything that's been happening.

I didn't say anything I just looked in Emily's direction and Toby rushed to her and gave her a hug.

"Emily what happened" he asked genuinely worried. she tried to get the words out but nothing was coming out.

"She thinks she's pregnant" Hanna said and Toby expression went from worried to almost terrified.

He sat with Emily comforting her and I saw Aria sitting by her self looking confused. I walked over to her

"Everything ok?" I asked

"Would it be totally rude if I left right now. I have something really important to take care of." she said panicked.

I laughed a little

"No Aria just go I don't think she will be mad." I told her but she still looked worried

"Spencer if I don't call you in two hours, start to get worried." she said before walking away and saying bye to everyone. what could she possibly be doing?

~~Aria's POV ~~

i am genuinely terrified right now. I'm at the park and it's 6:58. whoever wanted to meet me said 7:00.

I sat on the swing set checking my phone every two seconds, nervously waiting for it to turn seven.

It was really quiet until I heard someone barely whisper my name

"Aria turn around I'm not going to hurt you" the voice said again. this voice sounded very familiar.

I turned around and my jaw dropped. Literally. I stood there with my mouth open before she came and hugged me.

"I need to talk to you." she said again.

"Me to how are you even here?"

"It's a long story." she said sitting down on the swings.


So who do you guys think it is?
Like and comment for the next chapter!  Hope you are liking it so far.

-Samantha 💋

Pretty Little Liars: Emily is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now