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Spencer's POV

I actually could not believe who I was seeing. how is Maya still Alive. did she have a twin or something ? This is not possible.

"Emily." Maya said quietly walking slightly towards the inside. I could see a smile starting to form on her face.

Emily's POV

I really don't know what to feel right now. I'm so mad but I'm also really happy.

A part of me feels relieved that she is alive but another part of me wishes she was actually dead. Maybe because It would be easier to process.

After a really long silence I finally had the courage to say something. And it wasn't nice

"You bitch." Was the only thing I could say before I ran upstairs.

Hanna's POV

ok what the hell just happened. I think we were all expecting Emily to be happy. I'm happy Maya is alive and I didn't even date her.

I went after her, confused as to why she was angry. I think Toby followed me.

She had locked herself in the bathroom and I could hear her crying. I tried knocking but Toby stopped me before I could

"Hanna if she wanted to talk that door would be unlocked" he said pulling me back little.

"No Toby I don't care. I want to talk to her" I sort of yelled and I hadn't realized he put his arm around my shoulder. it was kinda awkward but comforting.

"Hanna look at me. she will talk when she is ready to talk but for now we need to leave her alone." he said with his gorgeous eyes staring right into mine. I don't know why but it made me want to cry and I could feel the tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Are you ok?" Maya said coming coming around the corner. I stepped back and willed away a tear that had slipped out.

"Ya fine. How are you?" I asked not knowing what else to say.

"Not so great but I guess I deserve it considering I let her think I was dead." her eyes started watering to and I could see Toby getting really uncomfortable.

"Maybe we should go Hanna. leave Maya alone with Em?" Toby suggested wanting to get us away from the incredible awkwardness of this situation.

"Ya ok." he said and we both walked downstairs leaving Maya and Emily by themselves.

Maya's POV

I hate this so much. I just want Emily to give me a chance to explain to her why I did this.

"Emily. Please open the door. I at least owe you an explanation." I told her trying to open the bathroom door.

"Go away Maya. I don't want to talk right now."

"Emily I only did it because I was trying to protect you. I did it because I love you." I said slowly sitting on the floor.

I heard the doorknob turn and I saw Emily with a tear stained face. I jumped up and hugged her and didn't let go for a long time.

"Was it A" she asked starting to calm down.

"Yes Em it was. A was threatening me and ruining my life. I had to leave to be safe."

She didn't say anything and it was quiet for a while.

"I love you." she said looking into my eyes

"I love you too." I said looking back at her and before we knew it our lips were touching.

we kissed for a long time and it felt so good knowing the person I loved the most in this world, loved me back.

Pretty Little Liars: Emily is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now