Begining of a new future

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Ezra's POV

Emily's head is bleeding a lot. It's alarming. Ella called the police and I helped Emily who was still passed out. I tried to get her to wake up but she was knocked out cold.

"They will be here in 15 minutes. Apparently we are not their top priority." Ella said coming to help me with Emily who I laid into the floor.

"Let me see the back of her head." Ella said lifting Emily's head and placing her hand were -A hit her.

"I think her skull might be cracked." I said worried

"No I don't think it's cracked but it's dented pretty deep. She for sure has a concussion."

"How can you stay so calm through this?" I asked

" I don't know I just don't like to worry." She said just as Emily started to gain back consciousness. She tried to sit up.

"Emily just lie down okay. You're gonna be fine."

"What happened?" She asked still not quite conscious

"A hit you pretty hard you need to stay still ok?"

She completely ignored me and tried to sit up and that backfired completely. She was now screaming in pain as me and Ella tried to get her to lay back down.

The principal showed up and placed a complete lockdown on the school because he thought someone was going to hurt everyone but the only people -A is after are the girls.

The police came and checked the place and when they concluded it was safe, everyone was allowed to leave school for the day. Emily was already in the hospital and we all went to see how she was holding up.

She had a pretty severe concussion and had to get a couple of stitches in the back of her head.

Aria looked scared so I went over and hugged her. She always freaks out whenever she sees one of her friends hurt.

Emily's POV

I wake up and I feel so dizzy. It almost makes me want to throw up so I quickly lay my head back down into my pillow. When I wake up, everybody is here. My mom is beside me holding my hand and as soon as she realized I'm awake she immediately calls a nurse.

The nurse explained to me what had happened and he told me that I would be prescribed with painkillers and that I just had to rest and wasn't allowed to to any things particularly straining to the brain. Knowing my mom, this means no tv, no cell phone, no anything for the next month of my life, or for the next however long it takes me to get ready.

Once out of the hospital I go home to where Samantha was and this time Hanna's mom was watching her for me.
I thanked her and I went up into her nursery to sit with her. I just wanted to feel happy for a little while. To feel free and to feel like someone loved me for no matter who I was.

I stare at my daughter alone for a while. My mom was sitting downstairs and I couldn't help but think what my life has come too. I have a beautiful daughter and I'm so grateful for that but she has no father. She will never have a father (mostly cause I'm gay) but she may not even have another parent in her life if I don't find the right person to settle with and that upsets me. She doesn't even look very much like me. With the way it's looking now Sam is gonna have orange hair. My daughter is going to be a ginger. I never thought that would ever happen.

If someone asked me 5 years ago what my life would be like now, I would never dream of saying that I would have a daughter but now I can't think of anything else I would want more than my absolutely perfect little girl. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for her.

Pretty Little Liars: Emily is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now