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Emily's POV

The next morning was super awkward. I could barely look Ali in the eyes. Why did I do that? It must be so awkward for her.

"Hey Em can you drive me to school?" Ali asked


"Can we go like now though? I have a makeup test before class."

"Sure let me just grab my bags."

We got into my car and started driving to school. It was painfully quiet before Ali said something.

"Are you mad at me, because you're the one who kissed me remember."

"No Ali I'm not mad at you." I said

"Well then what is it. Why are you acting so weird?"

"I just enjoyed that more than I should have. I'm supposed to love Maya."

"You're not suppose to love anyone Em." She said smiling.

"I've been trying to find a way to forgive her after what she did to me but, I just can't."

"Em you found a way to forgive me didn't you?"

"I guess but it's not the same. I never had a real relationship with you. You were never my girlfriend."

"I wanted to be though. I always loved you Emily."

"I always loved you too." I said looking at her

"Em keep your eyes on the road please." She said laughing

"What am I supposed to tell Maya?" I asked

"Exactly what you told me. If she really loves you she will understand."

We got to school and Ali went in to do her test. I sat outside by myself until Maya eventually came and found me.

"Hey, what are you doing here so early?"

"I brought Ali in to do a make-up test."


"Maya we need to talk." I said quickly

"Okay... About what?"

"I don't think that we're working out."

"Wha-what do you mean."

"I just..I don't think I love you anymore. I just don't feel the connection we used to have and you can't blame me. You disappeared on me!"

" I did that to protect you!" She yelled

"Maya I get it but you put me through hell. I missed you the entire time you were gone and when I finally started to find closure you reappeared. I've been trying to find a way to forgive you but, I just can't! I'm sorry."

"Are you breaking up with me?" She asked hurt

"Yeah I think I am"

"Ok well this is the last time you're gonna see me. The only reason I stayed in this messed up town is because of you and your unplanned surprise that I honestly don't even care about. I guess I don't need to be here anymore so goodbye. Forever." She said and she ran off

I didn't know how to react to what she said about me so I just cried.
She called my baby an unplanned surprise. She never really cared about me or my daughter. She was just being nice. What the hell is wrong with her.

I saw Hanna's car from a distance so I quickly got up and went to hide. I didn't want her to see me cry. I didn't want anyone to see me cry.

"Emily wait up!" I hear Hanna yell enthusiastically. I start to walk faster pretending I didn't hear her.

"Emily are you deaf? Wait up!" I hear her and her high heels clicking faster on the pavement.
I stopped walking and wiped away a tear.

"What are you doing here so early?" She asked

"I brought Ali. She had to do a test ." I answered still not making eye contact.

"Is everything ok?"

"I'm fine Hanna."

"No Em! I know when you're ok and this is not you being ok. Look at me." She kinda yelled

I looked at her and I felt the tears pooling in my eyes.

"Emily what happened?"

"Me and Maya broke up."

"What did that bitch do?"

"I broke up with her Hanna."

"Oh well then why are you crying?"

"Because of what she said to me. She pretty much said she really didn't care about my baby or me."

"Em I'm so sorry." She said hugging me

"What are you sorry about?" Spencer said walking over to us With Aria.

"Emily and Maya broke up." Hanna explained to them

"What happened?" Aria asked

"Basically Maya never really cared about me and I have feelings for someone else."

"You didn't tell me that part! Who else do you like?" Hanna asked slightly more excited.

"Me." Ali said appearing out of nowhere.

"It's true. I love and have always loved Alison I was just hiding my feelings."

There was a silence between all of us because we were all smiling and then my phone went off

"Two little liars in love with each other. Remember, Only two can keep a secret if one of them is dead.

Pretty Little Liars: Emily is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now