The picture

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Emily's POV

I woke up remembering the text I got from A and immediately went to throw up. Shortly after my mom was in there holding back my hair.

Once I was done I took a shower, got ready and left for school preparing for the worst.

When I got there everybody was staring at their phones. I practically ran inside to find any of the girls.

"Em what the hell is this?" Hanna pulled me into a classroom and shut the door behind her.

"What? I didn't see it yet A sent me a message saying they would tell the whole school I was pregnant." I said expecting a simple message but it was anything but that.

"Emily this is a picture of you in bed with some guy taken from a window. this is beyond creepy. is A watching us have sex now or what.

I took the phone out of Hanna's hand and when I saw the picture I instantly started crying.

"Hanna my life is over." I cried burying my face in my hands

"Em look at me. its one picture it will die down. it did for Kate's fake boob pics and it will for you."

"How do you know Hanna? I cried "this is so embarrassing you have no idea. everyone thought I was a lesbian and now what are they gonna think. and I f A could send this what else do you think they are gonna do?"

"Emily I want you to calm down first. I can see your hands shaking from here. now I want you to go back out there and pretend like nobody got those pictures. if you show them it doesn't bother you they will think nothing of it." she told me walking me out of the classroom

I walked out of the class and everyone was staring at me. I heard people call me slut and whore and eventually I could not take it anymore. I turned the corner and Noel called me a slut. I literally pinned him to the ground and started punching him Hanna and some other teachers including miss Montgomery had to pry me off of him.

I was sent to the principals office regarding the pictures and the incident and my mother was called in.

"Good morning miss Fields." the principal said

"Good morning sir. I am so sorry about my daughter but the only way she would ever hurt someone is if they did something bad to her." she said defensively

"I understand that miss fields but Emily broke this boys nose And that is an automatic suspension." he said pulling out the rule book.

"Emily why would you do something like this?" My mom asked me looking disappointed

"He called me a slut." I whispered

"And why would he do that" my mom and the principal asked.

"Someone sent out a picture of me in bed with a guy to everybody in the school" I whispered feeling my face getting red.

"Do you know who did this?" My mom said furiously

"No if I knew they would be dead already." I said smiling at the thought of killing A

"Well miss fields I assure you we will be looking more into this situation and we will update you as soon as we get any news, but regarding the suspension , Emily still beat up the boy so I can't take that away" he said apologetically

"I understand. thank you so much and have a nice day." she said walking out of the office.

We walked out of school together and she drive me home. I stayed in bed all day doing nothing but cry of embarrassment while my mom comforted me.

The girls came by after school and we all hung out before falling asleep in my living room. I woke up the next morning to Aria screaming at something and none of us knew what was wrong until we all saw an A written on my stomach in red spray paint.

Pretty Little Liars: Emily is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now