BreAking up

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-2 weeks later-

Emily's POV

I still remember the night I told the girls his name. Hanna practically made me in case any of us knew.

"So what was his name?" Aria asked.

I waited a moment before answering

"Cyrus." I said and Ali chocked on her water.

"Cyrus what, what was his last name do you know?" She asked looking concerned.

"No, no I don't know." I told her.

That entire night she looked nervous and uncomfortable but I think we all disregarded it thinking it was some weird Ali thing.

Aria's POV

I'm walking over to Emily's now, she called me over and I'm kinda scared cause it's really dark. it's really quiet and nobody is around. I was turning onto Emily's street when I heard a twig crack I started walking faster I saw someone's shadow creeping up behind me and I got so scared I started running but they were faster than me and when they caught up they grabbed me.

"Aria it's just me calm down." paige said putting her hand on my shoulder

I breathed out in relief

"Paige you scared the crap out of me!" I exclaimed

"Sorry about that I was actually just going to talk to Emily." she said as we started to walk again.

"Oh me too, I can leave you two alone to talk." I said thinking it was some kind of relationship issues.

"No it's fine I don't want you waiting outside." she said as we rang Emily's doorbell.

"Hey.. guys." she answered surprised. "come in"

She let us in. and we all kind of just stood there really awkwardly.

"Emily I have to talk to you." Paige said after a long silence

"I'm gonna go say hi to your mom" I said leaving them Alone.

Paige's POV

I was really nervous. I really didn't want to have to do this, but I have to, for me. I just don't feel right after what I heard happened.

Emily lead me upstairs and into her room where we had quiet.

"So what did you have to tell me." Emily stood impatiently waiting for me to talk.

"I don't know how to say this Em, but I'm breaking up with you." I said in the nicest way I possibly could.

"What ?" she looked at me with sad eyes. I could see them tearing up.

"Emily I'm sorry but you slept with somebody else!" I said a little angrier this time. 

"I'm sorry but I didn't know what I was doing, I was drunk." she said her voice cracking. she was holding back tears.

"That makes it even worse Em, I'm not discussing this anymore ok, we're done. bye." I said storming out of her room, instantly feeling terrible for what I just did but I knew it was the right thing.

Aria's POV

Paige came downstairs a while after to say bye to Emily's mom. she looked upset, but I ignored it.

When I went upstairs Emily was crying. it was weird for me to see her cry. She never usually does.

"Oh my god Em what Happened."  I asked hugging her.

"Paige just broke up with me."  she cried and I calmed her Down.

"Em I'm sorry." I told her still hugging her. we talked for a while until she was really calm.

"So why did you call me here in the first place?" I asked her.

"Oh ya, that." she said and I chuckled

"Uhm I'm late."

"What do you mean late?" I asked kinda getting a clue.

"My period." She said her expression turning to worried.

"How late?" I asked her starting to get scared.

"A week and a half." she looked at me, tears starting to form in her eyes again.

"Emily we need to call the others and see if you're pregnant. I'll call spencer and tell her to get a pregnancy test You call hanna and Alison" I told her

"Aria that's the thing, I already took two, and they said Positive"

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