The excuse

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Emily's POV

I'm planning on telling my mom today and I'm kinda freaking out.
Me and Maya are trying to figure out a way to tell her but saying I got drunk and then had sex with a guy I don't even know doesn't sound to good.

"Em, you need to calm down the worst thing that can happen is that she kicks you out and never talks to you again." Maya said jokingly but it was a real possibility. I don't know what I would do if my mom never talked to me. My dad would probably disown me.

"Maya I can't calm down. my parents are going to think I'm a slut and so is everybody at school."

"There's always abortion." she said knowing my answers would already be a no.

"Maya I'm serious. What do I do?"

"I don't know babe, but let's not think about this now. I just got back. Why don't we spend time together. In a motel.

"That sounds good, it will probably clear my mind" I said winking at her.

"Great then let's go" Maya said giving me a kiss then taking my hand and dragging me to her car.

Hanna's POV

The word kind of spread that Maya is back and the news is crazy. They are trying to figure out who was actually in Maya's grave. it's like a whole repeat of the Ali thing.

Maya and Em went to some motel for a day and they are back now. Maya is crashing at Aria's house for now because her family can't make it to rosewood. she would have stayed at Emily's but her mom is kinda worried they will do something

When Maya came in to school today people could not stop staring. Maya didn't care though. she just went about with her day as if she was never even fake dead.

Emily on the other hand had a horrible day. she ran out of class in the middle of a history test because of morning sickness and now she is home probably getting questioned by her mother as to why she is throwing up.

I really do feel bad for her. At Least she isn't showing yet so she still has time to make up and excuse or just figure out how to tell her mom she is pregnant.
She's coming over to my house later to figure out this whole thing.

Aria's POV

Maya is at my house now. she's been on the phone for a long time with her mom. She can't make it into rosewood because there's some kind of storm that's delaying all the flights.

"Sorry I've been on the phone so long, I just miss my parents so much." She said looking down."
"Its ok I get it.It must really be hard being away from your family for such a long time."

"It is and it was really nice of you to let me crash here. I don't know where I would have stayed otherwise. Spencer is to smart for me and Hanna is a bit to girly." she said while laughing.
We pretty much laughed the entire night before we both fell asleep.

Emily's POV

I threw up again when I got home and my mom was literally grabbing every medicine we had to try and fine the right one.

"Emily where did we put the flu medicine?" She yelled to me from the medicine cabinet in the other bathroom.

"I don't know and I don't need it. I'm not sick don't worry!" I yelled back in hopes that she would stop freaking out.

She came upstairs like she was completely ignoring me with a bottle of pills in her hand.

"Here take these. two every six hours don't forget." she said then say on my bed.

She took a picture I had on my side table of me and Maya and just looked at it.

"Mom what are you doing"

"It must be so hard on you, having the girl you loved just come back from the dead." she said admiring the picture.

She went to set the picture back down but my box where I was keeping my pregnancy test had fallen off of my desk and gone all over the floor. My mom's expression was indescribable.

"Emily what the hell is this?"....

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