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Emily's POV

It's been hard dealing with a baby and going to school. My grades have been getting a little lower but I still have a good average. My mother helps me a lot and so does Alison. She comes over everyday after school to help me with Sammy and to help my mom out with whatever she needs. The other girls come over often too because they like seeing the baby.

My dad is here only for another week. Then he has to go back. It's been nice having him here though. He is obsessed with my daughter. He does still think I'm a little young to be a mother but, he has come to accept it.

"Emily please try to pay attention." My teacher said as I was dozing off

"Sorry" I answer as I sit up straighter.

When the bell rang she kept me in to make sure I was ok. All of the teachers at the school feel sympathy for me and I hate it. The only good part is they offer me extension on my homework which I am glad to take.

I walked down the hallway and ran into Ezra. It was weird seeing him because he doesn't even work here anymore.

"Hey Emily how are you?" He asked

"I'm.. Tired ." I said laughing.

"I can see that." He chuckled

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"Well the principle want to offer me a job as an English teacher again."

"That's good! Does Aria know?" I whispered

"She does not. I only got the call this morning."

"Well that's cool. Anyways I got to get to class." I said

"Bye Emily." He said as we both walked away.

I can see why Aria likes him. He's really sweet and really good looking.

I walked into the bathroom to find Hanna reapplying her makeup.

"Hey Em."

"Hi." I said as I walked into a stall.

"Can I come over after school?" She asked


"Awesome! Anyways I'll talk to you later I need to get to class." She said and she walked out of the bathroom."

I got out of the stall and I was washing my hands. I looked in the mirror and my eyes were all red. I looked horrible. I wanted to go home but I need to go to class. I have miss Montgomery next so I can probably rest my head in her class.

The bell to start class rang so I started to walk to class.

I walked in late with a couple of other kids and miss Montgomery was staring at me.

I went to sit at my desk next to Spencer and I rested my head in my hands.

"Emily are you okay?" She asked me

"I'm fine Spence. I'm just really tired."

"Quiet down everyone! Today we are going to be working on our essays all class. If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask."

We all started writing. I started to feel dizzy so I put my head down on my desk. I didn't sleep at all yesterday and I am exhausted.

I felt my eyelids get heavier until I eventually fell asleep.

I was woken up by miss Montgomery an hour later .

"Emily are you okay?" She asked

"I'm fine. Sorry."

"You don't look fine. Why don't I call your mother and she can pick you up. You just need to sleep."

I nodded and she brainy me to the office. Ezra was still there and I could tell they were both talking about me because they kept looking back at me.

"Em we called your mom and Ezra's gonna drive you home because her and your dad are out on a date.your mom called one of friends to watch Sammy "

I nodded, gave him my address and followed Ezra out to his car.

I got into his car and I felt like I immediately fell asleep. He woke me up and walked me into my house.

He made sure I was okay and he wanted to see the baby so I took him into my room where she was probably asleep with my moms friend.

I walked into my room and my heart almost sank. I could not believe what I was looking at

In my room was -A cradling my baby. When they saw us they dropped Sammy into her crib and ran off pushing me to the floor. Ezra tried to go after them but they were too fast.

He stayed with me until I fell asleep and apparently until my mother got home just to make sure I was safe.

I don't feel safe anymore.

Pretty Little Liars: Emily is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now