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Emily's POV

"Alright Emily you're having a girl." The nurse said pointing at the ultrasound screen. I was so happy and my mom was crying.

"Congratulations Em." Toby said hugging me.

All the girls congratulated me and then we all left together because my mom was making us a huge dinner.

"Let's all make a toast to Emily and her Daughter." My mom said raising her glass of Apple cider. she refused to serve us alcohol but we were all ok with it. Plus, I was pregnant.

We started eating dinner and we were all happy until Ali got a text. she checked it and looked disturbed.

"Is everything ok?" My mom asked

"Ya everything's fine."

"Ok" my mom said continuing her conversation with Hanna and Aria.

"Actually I'm gonna go to the restroom. sorry." Ali said getting up and fast walking up the stairs. we all looked at each other worried.

Ali's POV

A is such a fucking bitch. They obviously have to ruin a perfect night.

The text they sent me said:

"The poor little girl won't know who her daddy is, but you know exactly who Emily slept with. tell her, or I will tell Em you knew all along.

I was kind of freaking out. I want to tell Emily but she will hate me. I'm afraid she won't talk to me And I will ruin her entire night.

I calm myself down then I pretend to wash my hands in the bathroom before heading back downstairs.

I got stares from everyone. I'm pretty sure the girls knew that something was wrong.

Once we finished dinner we all headed up to Emily's room.

"What was that all about?" Hanna asked me

"It was nothing, just my dad being stupid." I lied

"Ok so are you excited that it's a girl?" Hanna asked Emily. I was happy she changed the subject.

I sat quietly in her room watching the girls leave one by one and when me and Em were finally alone I decided I had to tell her.

"Em I need to tell you something."

"Sure. Is everything okay?"

"Do you remember when you said the guy you slept with was called Cyrus?"

"Ya why?"

"I know a Cyrus and I think he's the one that was with you that night. His last name is Petrillo"

"Why are you only telling me this now?" She asked hurt

"Because I didn't want to upset you or make you want to find him. He's a bad guy Emily."

"Was that text from A?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Ali it's okay. I get it. You didn't want to make me upset but you could have told me sooner. I don't care who the father is anymore. I have Maya and all of my friends and family and that's more than I could ever ask for." she said hugging me.

"I guess I should probably get going then, it's getting really late"

"No stay. I don't want you going home alone this late."

"Fine" I said crawling into her bed as she crawled In on the opposite side.

We stared at each other for a while and before I knew it Emily kissed me and I kissed her back.

Something about this felt so right and I just couldn't stop. I wrapped my leg around hers as we continued to kiss and then I thought about Maya and how much this would hurt her, so I pulled away.

"I'm sorry Em. I just can't do this to Maya."

"I understand. Sorry I did that." She said turning her back to me.

I turned the other way too and smiled. I really missed Emily.

Pretty Little Liars: Emily is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now