Chapter 2~Telling the girls

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Emily's POV

To be honest, I am actually really nervous. What if the other girls act differently. What if they judge me.

When Spencer rang Hanna's doorbell I kinda wanted to back out. Just keep this between me and spencer, but I know that wouldn't be fair to my friends.

Hanna answered the door and I could see the other girls in the kitchen. Me and spencer walked in and they were all staring at me.At least it felt that way.

"Where the hell have you been?" Hanna yelled at me.

"I went to some stupid party" I said sitting down.

"That doesn't explain where you were all night" Aria said in a calmer tone.

"I was at a motel." I said and Ali looked hurt.

"Ohh I see, you hooked up with someone!" Hanna said grinning from ear to ear.

"Yes I did." I said and I felt my face turning all red.

"Who was it some hot older girls or a younger girl?" Hanna asked me still smiling.

I looked at spencer before saying anything. she just gave me a look.

"Not exactly uhm it was a guy."I said and Aria almost chocked on a piece of candy she was eating.

"Damn Em" Hanna said looking down.

"Did you guys like have sex?" Alison asked me

"Yes we did." I said looking at my feet.

"Oh god! You did use a condom, right?" Aria Asked

"No, well I don't know. I was too drunk to remember." I answered getting up and starting to walk away.

"No Emily sit down." Spencer demanded grabbing my arm.          " We need to talk about this wether you like it or not." she said again. I just sat there trying not to cry.

"When are you supposed to get your period?" She asked me

"Not sure. This week maybe." I said shaking my leg.

"Ok well if you don't get it in three weeks you're going to take a pregnancy test." she said again.

"Ok fine." I said getting up again.

"No one more thing." Hanna said.

"What do you want." I answered really rudely.

"Come back over later. when were alone I just wanna talk" she said .

"Fine whatever, can I actually sleep over?" I asked her.

"ya just come by at around five." she told me. I didn't answer back. I just walked out the door.

When I got into my car I immediately started crying. it wasn't because I was sad. it was because I am scared. If I am pregnant my mom is going to kill me.

I drove to the brew and got a coffee to calm down a little and I ran into Toby.

"Hey Em, what's up." he said sitting next to me.

"Nothing." I said sipping my coffee. "I was actually just about to leave." I said getting up.

"Ok well when you're ready to tell me what's wrong, call me." He said smiling. It was weird how well Toby knew me, almost scary.

I walked out of the brew and went for a walk I was extra careful about -A and always made sure someone was around me.

Once I got back to my car I decided to go home before stopping by Hanna's. I had to get a change of clothes.

"Hey mom." I said dropping my bag.

"Hello Emily" she answered back from the kitchen

"Mom I'm sleeping over at Hanna's Tonight" I yelled running upstairs.

"I know she called me." my mom said

"Oh, okay." I said puzzled. When has Hanna ever Called my mom? Something didn't feel right, so I called her.

"hey Em, what's up?" she said

"Why did you call my mom?" I asked

"Because I didn't want her to think you were going to get drunk or something." she answered

"Fair enough, well I'm coming over now." I said slightly offended

"Okay but knock cause I locked my doors" she said and hung up.

Once I got to her house I knocked on her back door, scaring the crap out of her.

"God you didn't have to knock that hard you made me burn myself." she said going to run her hand under cold water.

"Sorry. So why did you wanna talk to me" I said sitting down.

"I just wanted to see if you were ok, with this whole thing. it must be scary thinking your pregnant." she told me

"It is I'm just trying to ignore it."

"But who was the guy, do you remember his name or anything of what he looked like?" she asked

"If I saw him again I would probably remember his face but I don't know his name." I told her.

"Well try and remember." she yelled

"Why do you wanna know his name so bad." I asked confused.

"I just do, check your phone did he send you any messages?" she demanded.

I checked and he sent me three. I didn't really read them I just looked for a name and found one.

"Did you find the name?" hanna asked looking at her burnt hand.

"Ya, he says his name is Cyrus."

Pretty Little Liars: Emily is pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now