i'm your songwriter partner though(paul)

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you sat in johns livingroom listening to him strum along a new chord as you bopped your head along to it.

"that sounds great john!" you giddied as he stopped playing smiling a bit at you,

"yeah you think?" he blushed lightly.

"uhm yeah!" you grinned jotting down some notes before you heard the front door opening. it was your boyfriend, paul.

he was unaware that john was over so when he walked into your livingroom, confusion took over his countenance, "what the bloody hell's going on here?" he asked staring at you then john then back to you.

"hey honey! john and i were just writing some songs." you smiled innocently.

paul felt his heart break a bit as he looked at john, how could he replace him? especially with his own partner?!

"that... that's nice honey but-" paul began before john chimed in,

"yeah (y/n) is really good at song writing! i'm thinking of putting some of (y/i) songs on the album!" john smiled happily.

paul was starting to get pissed at this point, "john, john, let's not get ahead of ourselves now. sure (y/i)'s songs may be good but i'm your song writing partner though not (y/n)!" paul whined as you looked at john who returned the glance.

"paul!!," you laughed, "i'm not going to replace you! i could never replace 'lennon/mccartney.' it's called that for a reason! i was just messing around babe." you smiled as john laughed,

"yeah you silly git! we were just messing around. now get over here and let's write some classics." he smiled as paul grinned and laughed,

"i'm sorry and yeah let's do that."

(y/i) = your identification

(y/n)= your name

(y/c) = your characteristics

(y/e/c)= your eye color

(y/h/c/) = your hair color

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