that which i have lost (george)

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he stood in the mirror carefully shaving away the stubble that so desperately tried to make an appearance on his face. you, sat on the bed listening to him humming. it was always a treat for you to get to listen firsthand at all the new tunes he was coming up with.

"sounds good george!" you supported. george beamed a bit to himself, flicking the razor under some hot water, getting the excess hair out.

"thanks (y/n)! i don't know what the lyrics are or title is just yet, but i'm just messing around." he laughed a bit.

"no that's good george! that's usually when your best work comes out." you gleamed.

"you really think so, (y/n)?" he blushed.

"course i do! you're my best friend!" you giggled, swinging your feet off the bed.

you came up behind him squeezing his shoulders as he smiled, "i think i've got it! let me finish shaving and then i'll grab my guitar. sound good?" he chuckled.

"yes it sounds perfect!" you clapped.

after he finished shaving, he grabbed his guitar and began working out a melody that best fit what he was humming.

after some time, he finally came up with the title, which was; that which i have lost. you smiled at him as he wrote the new song.

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