you helped me (ringo)

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hello everyone!! sorry for the hiatus. i have like no time but the weekends to write so here we are :) i hope everyone enjoys this story that's based on a true story. obviously it didn't involve ringo, but last night i got so drunk that i was throwing up and a friend of mine helped me through it ❤️. anyways, last night was enjoy!~ julia 💝

you sat leaned over the toilet puking out whatever it was you just forced down. your best friend at the time, ringo sat behind you, holding your hair into a makeshift ponytail as you let the liquid leave your mouth.

"shh shh (y/n) you're going to be ok. i'm not going anywhere." he cooed, rubbing your back as you nodded before going back to throwing up.

"rings." you cried out as he kissed your back,

"(y/n), i'm here. i won't leave you in such a drunken state, ok?" he whispered.

you nodded as you sat back a bit, wiping your mouth, "i'm ok for now." you breathed.

"you sure?" he asked, his blue orbs meeting (y/e/c). you smiled a bit and nodded,

"yup. thanks so much. you helped me." you grinned as the two of you cleaned up and watched movies for the rest of the night drinking soda this time.

(y/e/c) = your eye color

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