fuck me harder bitch (john)

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you sat in bed rehearsing your clarinet for your gig tomorrow at the school's library. as boring as it sounded, you were lucky to get something. you sighed as you missed a note and placed your instrument on the brown end table that occupied the space by your small bed.

"that's enough for today?" john, your boyfriend asked as he walked into your room.

"yes, i'm over it." you replied sighing.

"sit up love and get outta that shirt for daddy, yeah?" john demanded as you nodded sitting up, taking your shirt off.

"that's it love." he drooled walking over to the bed. he threw the blankets off the bed picking you up.

"mmm john." you gasped as he attacked your neck.

"shut up bitch." he quipped as you shut up. you liked when he verbally degraded you. you thought it was a great addition to your already spicy sex life. you closed your eyes in content as he slammed your back up against the cool wall.

"fuck you look so delectable. mind if daddy dives in?" he asked looking at you with his goregous eyes.

you shook your head no as he took the rest of your, as well as his, clothing off. he kissed you as he slid in roughly.  you gasped against the kiss, which earned you a slap across the face. you moaned and shut up.

"good little whore. you'll make noise when daddy instructs you to, yeah?" he whispered sternly as you nodded.

"good now get in the bed!" he ordered as he dropped you down to your feet. you scrambled to the bed as john grabbed a belt and followed you there.

"j-john what are you doing with that?" you asked a little scared as he swung it down, barely missing your face.

"ASS UP NOW!" he bellowed as you jumped doing as he says.

"good little bitch." he moaned spanking you. you winced in pain as he used both his hand and the belt to redden your soft spot.

"make noise bitch!" he commanded.

"f-fuck john!" you moaned clutching a pillow.

"more!" he yelled as your knuckles began to turn white from all the clutching you were doing.

"get on top of me and ride me!" john barked as you did just that.

"ohh fuck me harder bitch." he moaned rocking your hips rough against his cock. he rolled his eyes back and let out a loud guttural grunt as you tilted your head back, biting your lip.

"make noise for daddy (y/n)." he whispered rubbing up and down your back.

"ohhh john!" you moaned rubbing his chest.

"ohh baby girl that's the spot. i love you." he groaned.

"mm i love you too." you blushed as you continued to ride out yours and his highs.

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