GET OUT! (paul)

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he wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. he had snuck this woman in here before, you were just to blind to see it. her name was janie schwartz and she was a french model. you, well you were just an average beatles fan. why should paul pay attention to you? it's not like you two were planning on marriage or anything.

you had gone out for the day in hopes of upgrading your plain jane looks to match those of the type of girls, paul goes after. it was a shame your insecurities were making you do this, but you loved paul and you would do ANYTHING for him.

he had the blonde beneath him as he kept pumping into her. she moaned and groaned rolling her eyes back, arching her back off of your bed.

"ohh janie!" paul grunted, gripping her hands.

"mmm macca." she moaned. that was the nickname you called him and now that this broad was doing it, paul didn't seem to care.

they kept it up as you eventually got home. you placed your bags down and heard some moaning and shuffling coming from upstairs. befuddlement swam through your bloodstream as you walked closer to the source of the moans, your bedroom.

angry at this point, you bursted through the doors, "PAUL!" you screamed as he flew off janie.

"(y/n)! baby, you're home early." he smiled, "i don't even know what happened. this woman just slipped beneath me." he laughed.

"BULLSHIT!" you bellowed, "GET OUT!" you screamed as he jumped up.


"I SAID GET OUT!" you screamed and with that he got up. you glanced at the girl and grabbed her by the hair, punching her in the face. paul tried to stop you, but that only earned a hard kick in the balls by you.

you continued to fuck up the broad as you threw her against the wall. she screamed and ran away. you looked at paul, "OUT! NOW!" you cried.

"i'm so sorry." he pleaded.

"save it paul and just leave!" you sobbed.

"i'm sorry-"

"WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE?!" you yelled

"because i fucked up. alright, love? i fucked up!"

"yeah, you did. now go." you cried as he nodded in defeat, leaving forever.

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