in my pants (paul)

466 7 16

you were alone again for the third night in a row. how could it be? your supposed fiancé, michael had left. you rolled (y/e/c) eyes as you decided to hop onto one of the lesser known dating apps.

you came across a doe eyed fella with brown hair. he was simply exquisite and that only piqued your interest some more. paul...was the name of the bloke you were checking out. you decided to test the waters and message him.

you thought about it, before responding, "come on over."

he replied, not even a second later, "on my way."

you waited a few moments before a soft knock came at your door. you opened the door and were met with the man you were just chatting with.


"yes, (y/n)?"

"yes i'm (her/him/them)." you smiled.

he blushed as he walked up to you, kissing you gently.

you kissed him back as the two of you descended upstairs, where your clothes came off and the gentle love making began.

"ohhh paul!" you soughed.

"mmm darling." he hummed, going faster.

this carried on until the morning.

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