lilac dreams (ringo)

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setting: in a lilac purple canopy bed surrounded by cloud like aesthetics.

date: february 14, 1965

you lay on his stomach as you both stared up at the ceiling, which was painted to resemble cotton candy skies. in the background you had your record player, playing, 'cant take my eyes off you' (the lofi version) as ringo fingered your hair.

"you smell like a lilac dream babe." he whispered as he turned your chin gently towards his face, as the song played in the background.

his big blue eyes stared into (y/e/c) as you gently kissed his lips.

"i love you richard." you smiled

only you called him that and he loved your soft voice saying his name. he kissed you a bit rougher as the song played out immediately knocking the both of you out.

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