rose (paul)

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you laid in bed slowly waking up, reaching over to pat the spot where you husband paul slept, only to find it unoccupied. concerned, you sat straight up, rubbing your eyes. you swung the blankets back, stepping out of bed to catch a glimpse of your husband in the garden. he was picking some weeds, and watering the plants when you tapped on the window,

"hi honey!" you waved.

"hi rose." he winked. he always called you rose. it was his nickname for you and to be honest, you liked it more than darling, babe, baby, or even angel or sweetheart. rose just fit you better.

paul took a break from pulling the weeds as he walked up to the window, "so, what are the plans for tonight, rose?" he smiled.

"how's about a nice steak dinner and a board game? with some wine?" you suggested.

"that sounds divine, rose." he smiled warmly. you blushed,

"it's a date." you smiled.

later that evening you two sat at the table chewing your well done steaks, with asparagus, wine, and mashed potatoes as you played sorry!. you were beating paul's ass and he was being a pretty good sport about it.

"wow rose you're really good at this!" he laughed.

"thank you baby." you laughed, winning yet again another round. paul laughed,

"ok i'm done for now."

"wow is someone rage quitting?" you laughed.

"hell no! i'm just preparing for when i'm gonna beat yer arse!" he laughed.

"fair fair." you chuckled.

"let's eat first."


after the both of you ate, paul and you played some more. paul had won three rounds by this point and you had won four. you both were playing best of six. it was pauls turn and as you watched him take his turn, you thought you had him right where you wanted him, but he was quick. before you knew it you both had a tie and this was game point.

"ok babe you've been kicking my ass all game." you laughed.

"well so have you, rose." he chuckled.

"well make your move." you spoke, looking at him cautiously.

"ok." he replied shaking the dice. he moved five spaces as you took the dice, shaking it.

you also moved five spaces as paul took his turn.

this continued on as it was finally the last turn for both. paul took his turn and you took yours, ending in paul winning. you looked at him and him at you before you both let out a loud laugh,

"congratulations baby you finally beat my sorry! winning streak." you laughed.

"thanks for not being a sore loser." he laughed, "it's quite an honour." he smiled.

"sore loser, eh? fine. bring out jenga!" you laughed as paul nodded,

"deal." and with that you guys continued playing games.

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