an aesthetic prom night (paul)

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the music swayed you both along to the beat of your shoes as the couples danced along to the lofi beat that was being produced over the speakers of your high schools gymnasium.

paul held you close, wrapping his arms around your lower back resting his head atop yours. you smiled, and being much shorter than him, found it easier to cuddle against his chest.

"you're so beautiful." he whispered as you giggled breathlessly against his charcoal grey suit.

"thank you mr. mccartney." you smiled, glancing up meeting his hazel doe like eyes.

he kissed your button nose as you blushed softly hiding your face in his chest.

"(y/n), come on let me see my beautiful prom date." he pouted as you blushed even harder hitting him playfully as you pulled away to look at him with soft eyes.

he smiled a wide smile and pulled you in for a soft tender kiss as the song and the aesthetic prom night came to a close.

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