bde ((big dick energy)) (ringo)

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you laid in bed scrolling through your phone, texting your boyfriend ringo. you both had been together for a while now. you both met at the cavern club and have been together ever since.

while you were in bed, you received a snap from the love of your life as you braced yourself in opening it. you opened it rather quickly. it was a black screen with the words, 'look outside' on it. you furrowed your brows together as you sat up looking out the window at ringo waving at you. you waved back with a smile as you got up letting him in.

"ello my love." he grinned kissing you.

"hey hon." you kissed him back as he swept you off your feet.

you both stumbled into the bedroom as you both stripped. he laid you down as he kissed you, sliding in roughly. you groaned and moaned at the feeling of him.

that was one thing you loved about ringo. his big dick energy was one of the redeeming qualities he had about himself that you loved.

"ohhh!" he moaned, moving faster.

"uhhh." you groaned as he sloppily kissed you.

you returned the sloppy kiss as you both smiled against it.

"mmm mmm fuck!" he moaned out as you did the same.

"i'm gonna cum ritchie!" you announced as he rode into you faster.

he moaned as he came hard, ricocheting you off of him as well. you both cuddled into the late hours of the night.

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