eye catcher (george)

366 5 18

he was the hottest boy in your grade, but the only problem was, he was dating julia smithens. she was your typical big breasted blonde with tits as round and big as watermelons.

you didn't know what he liked about her, but those two were attached at the hip and breaking them up was something not feasible.

he walked past you with julia's hand in his as you nearly gagged. he was the ultimate eye catcher, but that bitch was in the way and it only pissed you off more.

"hi george!" you blurted out as the two stopped walking.

he turned to you waving, "hi (y/n)! you know julia, right?"

"oh right. hello julia."

"hi (y/n)." she replied.

"well we best get going george and i have a show." she grinned.

"yeah, we do!" he grinned waving back at you.

"wait what show?" you asked, smiling a bit.

"it's little shop of horrors!" julia exclaimed, "we actually have a third ticket. wanna come?"

you smiled a bit, "oh yes! thank you."

"of course! come on." she smiled as you joined the two of them. afterwards, you guys grabber dinner and you soon changed the way you thought about julia and accepted the two of them as friends.

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