did you cheat on me (george)

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date: december 7, 1964

disclaimer: there will be abuse in this book.

setting: liverpool, england.

it was a normal day, well at least it was for you. you had went to work, shopped for groceries, and, oh! went out with your best friend, Samuel for a bit. he had been your best friend for 15 years and each time you guys got together, you only got closer. well, george harrison, your boyfriend didn't like that at all! but no matter how many times you tried to calm him  down and explain that you guys were just friends. his insecurities would start up again.

on this particular day, december 7, 1964, you and samuel had been hanging out and you had gotten home a little later than usual, 1 am.

you gently crept inside your house, making sure you were careful enough not to wake george, but unfortunately, he beat you to it. he flicked on the light by your kitchen table and sat with his right leg draped over his left one as he stared you down,

"where have you been?" he asked his eyes once gentle and brown, now black and demeaning eyed you up and down.

this scared you as you cleared your throat, "wi-with samuel." you replied as you continued to walk towards the stairs.

he shot up and blocked your path to the steps as he slapped you hard across the face, "DID YOU CHEAT ON ME?!" he bellowed as you stumbled back holding your stinging jaw.

the tears pushed their way to your lacrimal glands as they cascaded down your cheeks.

"WELL DID YOU?!" he screamed again, hitting the other side of your face.

"STOP IT!" you screamed as you threw your hands up in defense. you were weeping at this point, but that didn't seem to move george. he wasn't going to stop until he got his answer.

he balled up his fist and brought it down on your arms as you kicked and screamed out for him to stop.

"NOT UNTIL YOU ANSWER ME YOU CHEATING SLUT!" he called out as you found enough strength to kick him in the balls. he grunted as he fell down.

"NO I FUCKING DIDN'T." you screamed as you struggled to your feet. you balled up your fist and brought it down to georges face as you kicked him repeatedly.

he cried out for you to stop, but you didn't. you gave him one last powerful kick to the stomach before gathering your belongings and getting the hell out of there and far away from him.

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