public breakup (paul)

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it was june 9, 1968 when you sat beside him on the bus. you both were not only the most popular couple of your school, but of the world. you were dating beatle, paul mccartney and while it was exhilarating, his infidelities said otherwise. you kept to yourself the whole ride on his privately owned bus as he tried to make small advances to get you to speak to him.

"come on (y/n), speak to me." he whispered as you barley looked over at him. he snaked his arm around you as you wriggled out of his grasp. he sat back a bit, obviously confused as to why you were behaving this way, but you weren't planning on telling him anything anytime soon.

"(y/n)?" he began before you quipped,

"why don't you ask jane! hm?"

he sat still, absolutely mute. he folded his hands on his lap as you scooted away from him. paul looked the other way as you felt your heart breaking. you had walked in on him having sex with british actress, jane asher while you were returning from holiday.

as you both arrived at your destination, paparazzi approached you both as you stood at a microphone, announcing words that would forever haunt paul and yourself,

"hello everyone you're about to hear it live, i'm calling off the engagement from paul mccartney. it's over. there will never be anything anymore between the two parties. it's done." you spoke as you threw your ring down walking off as paul stood back, appalled.

he was just humiliated as everyone gasped at their now infamous public breakup. paul thought about chasing you, but what would be the use? he decided on just going back home. leaving the fans and the world, astonished.

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