in your eyes (john)

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DISCLAIMER: this story is upsetting so if you're not into that then please click off this story.

⚠️TW⚠️: mentions of death, slurs, mentions of self harm.

you sat down in bed listening to your favorite sort of music, when your parents knocked on the door,

"hey (y/n), are you ok? you've been secluded since coming home from school. we want to make sure our child is ok." your parents sympathetically smiled, stroking your hair.

you looked over at the only people who seemed to give a fuck about you and wept harder than you ever had before.

"woah woah (y/n)! what's going on?" your parents asked as you sat up, exposing your arms. they had little marks on them as your parents heart broke,

"what is going on?" your mother asked, scooting closer to you.

"t-the people at school called me a faggot! they called me all sorts of things! they told me to kill myself! so i went into the bathroom and did this to myself!" you cried harder.

"those assholes!" your father swore pulling you into a tight hug. your mother broke down as she hugged you too. you all wept into one another that night until you all went to bed.


the next day you woke up and saw that your parents had left to go to work. you walked into the kitchen to get your lunch, when you noticed a note written on the fridge. it was from your parents, it read; 'to our lovely (they/boy/girl), you are the apple of mommy and daddy's eye. don't let those mean kids at school bully you into ending the precious life your father and i tried so desperately to create. we love you so very much and we would be so lost without your sparkling eyes, beautiful smile, and bubbly personality! how's about after school we go see a movie and get sushi, your fave :) love you lots muffin, mommy and daddy!" you picked the note up and burst into tears as you placed it into your back pocket, grabbed your lunch and went to school.


when you got to school you stopped at the doors as you breathed in heavily, before pushing into the heavy chipped red painted doors. you looked around to see if any of your enemies were around, and when they weren't, you proceeded to walk into school. feeling happy for once. as you turned the corner to get to your locker, a heavier bully of yours shoved into you, making you knock into one of the lockers. you hit the locker pretty hard as the chunkier enemy snorted,

"watch where you're going faggot!" (they/he/she) snorted.

you rubbed your head as (their/his/her) pals noticed you too. they noticed you and ripped the note from out of your back pocket, mocking it as one of the enemies ripped it in half right in front of your eyes,

"NO!" you cried as the bullies knocked you in the stomach. you grunted as another bully continued ripping your note into little shreds.

you cried out as john was walking into school. the leather jacket wearing teddy boy, walked into school as all the girls swooned and the guys gave him a funny look, and everyone else did a little bit of both. john didn't care but it wasn't until he heard the sounds of crying, that he stopped. he heard a few people chanting as he walked towards all the commotion and that's when he saw you on the floor being beat up.

well, it enraged the young man as he stormed over to the chubby bully, yanking (them/ him/her) off of you, socking them in the nose. the person stumbled backwards as the other bullies stopped what they were doing.

"hey lennon! fancy seeing you here! get out of here! we have a faggot to deal with!" one of them sneered as they went to kick you again.

"back away from (them/him/her) right this instant or what happened to your chubby pal will happen to all of you ten times worse." john chided. the bullies laughed as john lightly smirked, slamming the chubby kids head in the locker.

all the other pals stopped dead in their tracks as they ran off scared. john shoved the chunkier one off as he took off running too. john then looked to you as he knelt down, looking in your eyes, "you alright?" he half smiled, extending his hand out.

"n-no. they hurt me. they ripped up my note, and told me to kill myself, called me that horrible name. i just want to die." you sobbed as john embraced you in his arms, hugging you.

"shh shh there. i'm here now." he smiled kissing the top of your head, "what's your name anyways?" he smiled, pulling away. his hazel eyes meeting yours.

"(y/n)." you replied, gently smiling at the boy.

john smiled wider this time, patting your shoulder, "let's get out of here, yeah?"

"id like that a lot." you grinned.

john helped you up and dusted you off. he looked at your busted lip and bloody nose pouting, "i'm not letting you leave out of here looking like this. follow me." he smiled taking you to the nurses office. he watched you get all fixed up as he smiled.

once you were all fixed up, john approached you, "don't worry about the assholes who did this to you, i've got some people to take care of them. let's just focus on getting you home safely." he beamed.

you couldn't believe someone was being so nice to you, it almost scared you. you looked over at him with soft eyes, "why are you being so nice to me?"

"a (person/ boy/ girl) like you deserves it. once i looked in your eyes i felt something, i hadn't before..." he trailed off, glancing at you.

"and that is?" you asked feeling his harmless gaze on you.

"safe." he whispered kissing your lips. you gasped a bit but melted into it.

it's been a few years of john and you dating. your parents supported it and honestly you were your happiest. he had saved you and honestly every time you looked in his eyes, you felt more safer than the day he found you.

i actually TEARED up writing this!! hope you all enjoyed!- julia ❤️

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