last chance (paul)

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you sat at your computer desk, pushing your black rimmed ray banz up your nose as you typed out your essay for work. you were stressed beyond your limits and things were only getting worse. even in your love life, things seemed to be turning to shit. you were dating the lead bassist of the beatles, paul mccartney for 5 years now and while in the beginning everything was beautiful, these last few weeks he's been acting different. too different for your liking.

you sighed out of exasperation as you slammed your laptop down, picking up your phone to see that paul had contacted you at least 15 times. you rolled your (y/e/c) eyes and slid up on your phone to call him back.


"ello?" he answered. he seemed out of breath and it made you furrow your brows together, but you pushed it aside as you cleared your throat,

"you called?" you responded, not really wanting to talk to him.

"right! uhm look i don't think this is going to work. i've met someone else and i think she may be the one. i'm sorry (y/n) that it had to be this way. hopefully the two of us can remain friends though?" he spoke as your blood boiled. HOW COULD HE BE DOING THIS NOW?! AFTER 5 FUCKING YEARS OF PUTTING UP WITH HIS BULLSHIT, HE TURNS AROUND AND DOES THIS SHIT?!

"oh don't bother james." you spat as he choked on the other end of the phone,

"you only call me james when you're really pissed at me." he whispered as you chuckled sarcastically,

"yeah i know. look, go fuck yourself and this is the LAST CHANCE i'm giving you. don't contact me ever again you useless bassist. john should find a replacement." you quipped as you hung up, throwing your phone across the room hearing a shatter as it hits the wall.

"fucking great." you mumbled as you ran your hands through your hair. you didn't feel like crying, what would be the use? you straightened your posture and finished your paper for work. afterwards, you went out and enjoyed an evening to yourself.

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