do you want a biscuit? (george)

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You sat on the bench alone at your brand new school; alone and afraid. You didn't know anyone and no one really bothered to get to know you. You weren't bothered by that until a young man approached you. He had dark hair, dark inviting eyes, and a smile that could make ANYONE faint.

He sat beside you on the bench as (y/e/c) searched the younger man beside you. He looked back and grinned, showing his fangs, that didn't scare you, but made you blush. You smiled back as he rummaged inside his leather jacket for a slick pack of biscuits.

"Do you want a biscuit?" He asked, his accent raspy and very very scouse.

"U-uhmm what are those?" You asked looking at the mysterious food this very handsome young man was offering.

"Me biscuits! Digestive biscuits." He winked as your face lit up.

"Well then yes." You replied as he handed you one.

"What's yer name?" He asked as he glanced at you, munching away on his mysterious cookies.

"(Y/n)." You responded, "yours?"

"George Harrison." He smiled as the both of you continued to talk, laugh.

You had finally found a friend and later on a soulmate. And every time someone asked how you met you always chuckled and said, "he asked if i wanted a biscuit."

YEC- your eye color

YN- your name

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